collective nouns for Porcupines
Collective noun for porcupines | usage | |
prickle | A prickle of porcupines | |
family | A family of porcupines | |
colony | A colony of porcupines | |
Q: What is the collective noun for porcupines?
A: The most commonly used term is a "prickle" of porcupines.
Q: Why is a group of porcupines called a prickle?
A: This term is inspired by their spiky quills, which resemble sharp thorns or "prickles."
Q: Are there other collective nouns for porcupines?
A: While "prickle" is widely recognized, some people refer to them as a "quill" or a "family" when discussing porcupines in smaller groups.
collective noun | subject |
abandonment | orphans |
abominable sight | monks |
absence | waiters |
accompaniment | condiments |
acne | adolescents |
advance | authors |
agenda | tasks |
album | photographs |
album | stamps |
amalgam | dentists |
amalgamation | metallurgists |
amble | walkers |
ambush | widows |
annoyance | neighbours |
anthology | poems |
anthology | prose |
archive | programmers |
argument | advocates |
argumentation | historians |
armada | newts |
armada | warships |
armoury | aardvarks |
army | ants |
army | caterpillars |
army | frogs |
army | soldiers |
aroma | bakers |
array | luminaries |
assembly | ministers |
assembly | toys |
assortment | yogurt |
asylum | managers |
atlas | maps |
attack | aliens (extraterrestrial) |
attitude | seniors |
attitude | teenagers |
audience | listeners |
audit | bookkeepers |
aurora | polar bears |
autumn | leaves |
axel | figure skaters |
babble | barbers |
babble | linguists |
babel | cellphones |
balance | accountants |
bale | cotton |
bale | turtles |
bale | wool |
band | coyotes |
band | gorillas |
band | jackdaws |
band | jays |
band | men |
band | mongooses |
band | musicians |
band | pirates |
band | robbers |
bank | circuits |
bank | monitors |
banner | knights |
baptism | fire |
bark | cynics |
barren | mules |
bask | crocodiles |
basket | fruits |
basket | plums |
basket | vegetables |
batch | bread |
batch | loaves |
battery | artillery |
battery | barracuda |
battery | guns |
battery | rams |
battery | tests |
bazaar | guillemots |
bed | clams |
bed | mussels |
bed | oysters |
bellowing | bullfinches |
belt | asteroids |
bench | bishops |
bench | judges |
bench | magistrates |
bend | willows |
bestiary | monsters |
bevy | beauties |
bevy | beautiful ladies |
bevy | doves |
bevy | dowagers |
bevy | ladies |
bevy | otters |
bevy | quail |
bevy | roe deer |
bevy | swans |
billow | smokers |
bind | salmon |
bite | midges |
blackening | shoemakers |
blanket | snow |
blast | hunters |
blaze | pyromaniacs |
blessing | unicorns |
bloat | hippopotamuses |
block | apartments |
block | flats |
blur | impressionists |
blush | boys |
blush | embarrassments |
board | chess players |
board | directors |
board | executives |
board | trustees |
boatload | aliens (noncitizens) |
body | pathologists |
boo | surprises |
book | matches |
book | Mormons |
book | wagers |
bouquet | florists |
bouquet | flowers |
bouquet | pheasants |
bouquet | roses |
bouquet | wine tasters |
bout | estimations |
bowl | ice cream |
bowl | keglers |
brace | orthodontists |
branle | diplomats |
bridge | admirals |
bridge | lyricists |
broadband | telecom workers |
bromide | greeting cards |
brood | chickens |
brood | hens |
brood | nestlings |
brow | scholars |
budget | letters |
buffoonery | orangutans |
building | rooks |
bunch | grapes |
bunch | things |
bundle | asparagus |
bundle | clothes |
bundle | nerves |
bundle | rags |
bunting | flags |
bury | conies |
bushel | apples |
business | ferrets |
buttonhole | lobbyists |
byte | computer operators |
cache | ammunition |
cache | arms |
cache | jewelery |
cache | weapons |
cadge | peregrines |
calendar | saints |
candle | tapirs |
caper | kids |
cast | actors |
cast | falcons |
cast | hawks |
cast | merlins |
cast | orthopaedists |
catalogue | librarians |
catch | anglers |
catch | collective nouns |
cavalcade | horsemen |
cete | badgers |
chain | bobolinks |
chain | events |
chain | islands |
chain | lynx |
chain | surveyors |
charge | curates |
charge | taxis |
charm | finches |
charm | goldfinches |
charm | hummingbirds |
charm | words |
chattering | choughs |
chattering | cockatoos |
chattering | coughs |
chest | drawers |
chime | ice cream carts |
chine | polecats |
choir | singers |
chorus | composers |
circle | friends |
clan | hyenas |
clan | meerkats |
clan | Scots |
clank | tanks |
class | students |
clew | worms |
clipping | geldings |
cloud | gnats |
cloud | grasshoppers |
clowder | cats |
clump | reeds |
clump | trees |
cluster | bombs |
cluster | churls |
cluster | computers |
cluster | diamonds |
cluster | knots |
cluster | spiders |
clutch | eggs |
clutch | families |
clutch | kleptomaniacs |
clutch | mechanics |
clutch | motorcyclists |
clutch | testicles |
clutch | wrestlers |
coalition | cheetahs |
cocktail | drugs |
coffle | slaves |
cog | robots |
collection | objects |
collective | nouns |
college | electors |
college | physicians |
colloid | chemists |
colony | avocets |
colony | bats |
colony | beavers |
colony | fungi |
colony | gulls |
colony | ibises |
colony | lepers |
colony | lice |
colony | microbiologists |
colony | pelicans |
colony | penguins |
colony | rabbits |
colony | termites |
colony | voles |
column | armoured cars |
comedy | errors |
commotion | coots |
company | archer fish |
company | archers |
company | fools |
company | moles |
company | parrots |
company | widgeon |
complex | psychoanalysts |
complex | psychologists |
compromise | mediators |
concatenation | orgiasts |
conclave | cardinals |
confederacy | dunces |
conflagration | fireflies |
congeries | wizards |
conglomerate | geologists |
congregation | alligators |
congregation | churchgoers |
congregation | plovers |
congregation | worshipers |
conjunction | grammarians |
consortium | octopuses |
consternation | mothers |
constituency | voters |
converting | preachers |
convocation | eagles |
convoy | trucks |
convoy | vehicles |
cord | wood |
cord | woodwinds |
cornucopia | slugs |
corps | anatomists |
cortege | mourners |
coterie | orchids |
coterie | prairie dogs |
council | members |
countryside | cousins |
couple | bottles |
couple | impalas |
coven | vampires |
coven | witches |
covey | grouse |
covey | partridges |
cowardice | curs |
crash | glaziers |
crash | rhinoceroses |
crash | software |
crèche | infantry |
credence | stewards |
creep | tortoises |
crew | sailors |
crowd | onlookers |
crowd | people |
crowd | redwing |
cruft | hackers |
crush | shoppers |
culture | bacteria |
curse | creditors |
cutting | cobblers |
damning | jurors |
dash | commuters |
dawn | morning glories |
deal | agents |
dearth | nurses |
deceit | lapwings |
deck | cards |
deck | playing cards |
decorum | deans |
deficit | economists |
delegation | ambassadors |
delicatessen | gourmands |
delicatessen | gourmets |
den | snakes |
descent | relatives |
descent | woodpeckers |
design | engineers |
desperation | divorcees |
destruction | wildcats |
dicker | hides |
diffidence | debutantes |
diligence | messengers |
disguising | tailors |
dish | gossips |
distraction | fathers |
doctrine | doctors |
dopping | sheldrakes |
down | hares |
draught | butlers |
drift | fishermen |
drift | icebergs |
drift | lecturers |
drove | bullocks |
drove | elves |
duplicity | spies |
durante | toucans |
eleven | cricketers |
elicat | gloves |
embarrassment | pandas |
embarrassment | riches |
ensemble | homosexuals |
entourage | attendants |
entrance | actresses |
equanimity | tranquilizers |
equivocation | politicians |
erudition | editors |
exaltation | larks |
example | masters |
expectation | heirs |
expectation | midwives |
explosion | Italians |
extinction | dodos |
exultation | fireworks |
eyesore | graffiti |
faculty | academics |
fagot | firewood |
fagot | sticks |
faith | merchants |
fall | lambs |
fall | woodcocks |
falling | dominoes |
family | sardines |
fellowship | yeomen |
festival | balloons |
fever | stingrays |
fidget | suspects |
field | runners |
fighting | beggars |
file | manicurists |
fistful | dollars |
fistful | grasses |
flash | paparazzi |
fleet | ambulances |
fleet | bass |
fleet | boats |
fleet | buses |
fleet | cars |
fleet | chartered planes |
fleet | coaches |
fleet | ducklings |
fleet | jets |
fleet | lorries |
fleet | mud hens |
fleet | ships |
fleet | vans |
fleet | vessels |
fleet | yachts |
flight | aeroplanes |
flight | aircraft |
flight | butterflies |
flight | cormorants |
flight | dragons |
flight | dunbirds |
flight | golf balls |
flight | goshawks |
flight | planes |
flight | refugees |
flight | stairs |
flight | steps |
flight | swallows |
flight | yesterdays |
fling | dunlins |
fling | oxbirds |
fling | sandpipers |
float | tuna |
flock | auks |
flock | birds |
flock | budgerigars |
flock | bustards |
flock | camels |
flock | ducks |
flock | geese |
flock | ostriches |
flock | pigeons |
flock | seagulls |
flock | swifts |
flock | tourists |
floe | ice |
floodlight | ideas |
flotilla | swordfish |
flourish | blossoms |
flourish | strumpets |
flourish | trumpets |
flush | plumbers |
flush | wing commanders |
fluther | jellyfish |
flutter | flutists |
fold | chairs |
following | stalkers |
foresight | housekeepers |
fortitude | graduate students |
freeze | northerners |
frenzy | cheerleaders |
frenzy | contestants |
fret | guitarists |
fright | ghosts |
gaggle | comedians |
gaggle | women |
galaxy | astronomers |
galaxy | governesses |
galaxy | starfish |
galaxy | starlets |
galaxy | stars |
gallimaufry | noises |
gamut | professions |
gang | bison |
gang | convicts |
gang | laborers |
gang | thieves |
gaze | raccoons |
giggle | girls |
glacier | freezers |
glean | herrings |
glint | goldfish |
glitter | generals |
glorifying | liars |
glut | commercials |
goring | butchers |
grandiosity | operas |
gratitude | juniors |
great deal | used car salesmen |
greed | attorneys |
grid | electricians |
grip | porters |
groan | puns |
gross | Germans |
group | guinea pigs |
grumble | Pugs |
gush | sycophants |
haggle | vendors |
hail | gunfire |
hailstorm | gunships |
hammer | auctioneers |
hand | bananas |
handful | gynaecologists |
handful | palm readers |
harem | concubines |
harem | courtesans |
hassle | errands |
hastiness | cooks |
head | curlews |
heap | ruins |
heap | sand |
heap | trash |
hedge | bushes |
helix | geneticists |
herd | alpacas |
herd | animals |
herd | antelopes |
herd | asses |
herd | boars |
herd | bucks |
herd | buffaloes |
herd | caribou |
herd | cattle |
herd | chamois |
herd | chinchillas |
herd | cows |
herd | cranes |
herd | deer |
herd | dinosaurs |
herd | donkeys |
herd | eland |
herd | elephants |
herd | elk |
herd | fairies |
herd | giraffes |
herd | gnus |
herd | goats |
herd | harlots |
herd | harts |
herd | horses |
herd | ibex |
herd | llamas |
herd | moose |
herd | otologists |
herd | oxen |
herd | pigs |
herd | reindeer |
herd | Sea horses |
herd | seals |
herd | sheep |
herd | walruses |
herd | wildebeest |
herd | wrens |
herd | yaks |
herd | zebras |
hill | beans |
hill | ruffs |
hoard | gold |
horde | gerbils |
horde | hamsters |
horde | misers |
horde | savages |
host | angels |
host | sparrows |
hotbed | quilts |
house | senators |
hover | helicopters |
hover | kestrels |
hover | trout |
huddle | houses |
huddle | lawyers |
hug | teddy bears |
iamb | poets |
illusion | magicians |
illusion | painters |
immersion | baptists |
impatience | wives |
imposition | in-laws |
impression | mockingbirds |
incision | surgeons |
incredibility | cuckolds |
ingratitude | children |
intrusion | cockroaches |
jam | tarts |
jangle | hangers |
joint | osteopaths |
kettle | drums |
kindle | kittens |
kindle | leverets |
kneeling | parishioners |
knob | pintails |
knot | astrologers |
knot | toads |
labyrinth | magazines |
laches | landlords |
lack | principals |
lap | cod |
laughter | hostlers |
league | nations |
leap | leopards |
leaping | lords |
leash | greyhounds |
legion | devils |
library | books |
lie | golfers |
line | kings |
litany | lutists |
litter | cubs |
litter | piglets |
litter | puppies |
litter | whelps |
load | diapers |
load | dirty clothes |
load | drunks |
lock | hair |
lot | parking attendants |
lot | realtors |
lot | salt |
lounge | lizards |
loveliness | ladybirds |
luck | dice |
lump | oncologists |
lying | pardoners |
malapertness | peddlers |
march | museums |
mass | Catholics |
mass | priests |
maze | canyons |
meaning | dictionaries |
meeting | Quakers |
megabyte | computer programmers |
melee | rioters |
melody | harpists |
ménage | mongrels |
mess | grits |
mess | iguanas |
mess | officers |
mess | pottage |
meter | percussionists |
mint | candies |
mob | emus |
mob | gangsters |
mob | kangaroos |
mob | Texans |
mob | wallabies |
mob | wombats |
month | sundays |
mountain | debt |
movement | gastroenterologists |
multiplication | loafers |
multiplying | husbands |
murder | crows |
murmuration | starlings |
muscle | marines |
museum | art |
muster | peacocks |
muster | storks |
mutation | thrushes |
mutter | mothers-in-law |
nest | hornets |
nest | machine guns |
nest | mice |
nest | vipers |
nest | wasps |
network | administrators |
neverthriving | jugglers |
nucleus | physicists |
number | mathematicians |
number | questions |
number | statisticians |
nursery | plants |
obeisance | servants |
observance | hermits |
odyssey | luggage |
ogle | office boys |
omitting | censors |
ooze | amoebas |
opera | canaries |
optimism | youths |
orbit | satellites |
orchard | apple trees |
orchard | fruittrees |
orchestra | crickets |
orgy | swingers |
outback | Aussies |
overcharge | repairmen |
pack | dogs |
pack | hounds |
pack | juice |
pack | perch |
pack | rats |
pack | stoats |
pack | submarines |
pack | suitcases |
pack | wolves |
packet | lollies |
pair | lovebirds |
pallor | night watchmen |
pan | critics |
pan | reviewers |
panel | experts |
panel | umpires |
panic | producers |
pantheon | gods |
pantry | food |
parcel | hinds |
parcel | postal workers |
parel | troops |
parenthesis | cellists |
parley | instruments |
parliament | owls |
parliament | ptarmigans |
parliament | whores |
passel | brats |
passel | possums |
pavanne | matadors |
peal | bells |
peck | Frenchmen |
peel | vacationers |
pencil | lines |
persistence | parents |
phalanx | umbrellas |
pile | accidents |
pile | dung |
pile | dust |
pile | garbage |
piling | construction workers |
pint | Irishmen |
pithy | truths |
pity | prisoners |
pitying | turtledoves |
plague | locals |
plague | locusts |
plain | farmers |
plaint | oboists |
platitude | sophomores |
plenitude | freshmen |
pluck | firefighters |
plump | moorhens |
plump | waterfowl |
plump | wildfowl |
plunder | goons |
oranges | |
pod | dolphins |
pod | peas |
pod | whiting |
podium | orators |
poke | fencers |
ponder | philosophers |
portfolio | pictures |
portfolio | stockbrokers |
posse | police |
posse | posers |
posse | sheriffs |
postponement | trains |
pot | dieters |
pouf | hairdressers |
pound | carpenters |
pound | Englishmen |
pound | pianists |
poverty | pipers |
prance | equestrians |
pratfall | clowns |
preserve | jam |
prickle | hedgehogs |
prickle | porcupines |
pride | griffins |
pride | lions |
profit | gurus |
promise | bartenders |
promise | tapsters |
promise | tomorrows |
prowl | jaguars |
prowl | puma |
prudence | vicars |
pull | silk-screens |
pummel | masseurs |
pumphouse | egos |
punnet | strawberries |
purse | winnings |
quake | seismologists |
quicksand | credit cards |
quiver | arrows |
quiver | cobras |
quiver | rebuttals |
race | jockeys |
rack | gears |
raffle | turkeys |
raft | puffins |
raft | swimmers |
rag | colts |
rage | maidens |
rage | teeth |
rainbow | reasons |
range | hills |
range | mountains |
range | ovens |
rash | dermatologists |
rasp | lawnmowers |
realm | kingfishers |
ream | paper |
reflection | narcissists |
regiment | hypocrites |
rendering | architects |
retinue | ophthalmologists |
rhumba | rattlesnakes |
riches | matrons |
richess | martins |
richness | martens |
richness | minks |
riffraff | knaves |
ring | boxers |
ring | jewellers |
ring | keys |
risk | lobsters |
roll | armadillos |
roll | coins |
roll | drummers |
roll | gamblers |
rookery | albatrosses |
roost | fowl |
rope | onions |
round | drinks |
round | mailmen |
rout | schoolboys |
rout | snails |
row | oarsmen |
royalty | princesses |
run | poultry |
rush | pochard |
sack | quarterbacks |
salon | Poodles |
salvo | shells |
samba | shopping carts |
sample | salesmen |
saunter | cowboys |
scale | ichthyologists |
scam | con artists |
scandal | shoes |
schedule | activities |
scheme | swindlers |
school | butterfly fish |
school | clerks |
school | fish |
school | porpoises |
school | sharks |
school | whales |
scolding | seamstresses |
scoop | journalists |
scoop | reporters |
score | bachelors |
score | years |
scourge | mosquitoes |
scream | newsboys |
scurry | squirrels |
scuttle | crabs |
sea | troubles |
seat | ushers |
sedge | bitterns |
series | exams |
series | radiologists |
sesame | locksmiths |
set | bowls |
set | golf clubs |
set | numbers |
set | tools |
set | utensils |
sheaf | corn |
sheaf | wheat |
shield | icons |
shoal | mackerel |
shoal | pilchards |
shoal | shad |
shortage | dwarves |
shot | pediatricians |
shout | winners |
shower | bullets |
shower | meteorologists |
shrewdness | apes |
shudder | washing machines |
shuffle | bureaucrats |
shuttle | weavers |
siege | herons |
sign | cymbals |
skein | goslings |
skein | silk |
skitter | golf carts |
skulk | foxes |
skulk | friars |
slab | morticians |
slate | candidates |
slaver | gluttons |
sleuth | bears |
slew | exterminators |
slew | homework |
slouch | models |
slumber | sloths |
snap | photographers |
sneak | weasels |
soar | kites |
Sodom | shepherds |
sord | mallards |
soufflé | clouds |
sounder | hogs |
sounder | swine |
sounder | warthogs |
sounder | wild boars |
soupçon | chefs |
spill | busboys |
spite | prima donnas |
splash | puddles |
split | debtors |
splurge | sponsors |
sprawl | malls |
spread | nymphomaniacs |
spread | sticklebacks |
sprig | vegetarians |
spring | teals |
sprinkling | gardeners |
squadron | cavalry |
squash | sermons |
squeal | nieces |
squint | proofreaders |
stable | prostitutes |
stack | newspapers |
staff | employees |
staff | teachers |
stalk | foresters |
stampede | philatelists |
stand | flamingos |
state | princes |
steam | turds |
stench | skunks |
stench | zombies |
stock | portfolio managers |
store | gypsies |
storm | paratroopers |
streak | tigers |
stream | minnows |
string | beads |
string | jobs |
string | pearls |
string | ponies |
string | racehorses |
string | violinists |
stud | mares |
stud | poker players |
subtlety | designers |
subtlety | sergeants |
suffocation | aunts |
suite | furniture |
suite | rooms |
sum | adders |
superfluity | nuns |
superfluity | similes |
sute | bloodhounds |
swarm | bees |
swarm | earthquakes |
swarm | eels |
swarm | flies |
swarm | insects |
swarm | suitors |
sweetness | sopranos |
swelter | blankets |
swirl | paisleys |
syndicate | capitalists |
table | actuaries |
tantrum | decorators |
team | athletes |
team | footballers |
team | players |
team | workers |
tenet | palindromes |
tenure | professors |
terror | terriers |
thicket | idiots |
thought | barons |
thrall | bridegrooms |
threatening | courtiers |
thrill | brides |
thrill | fans |
tiding | magpies |
tilt | windmills |
tincture | pharmacists |
tissue | lies |
toil | peasants |
torment | trainers |
tough | lesbians |
trajectory | astronauts |
trance | lovers |
travesty | transvestites |
tray | dieticians |
tree | genealogists |
tribe | natives |
trip | dotterels |
trip | hippies |
troop | baboons |
troop | monkeys |
troop | mushrooms |
troup | shrimps |
troupe | acrobats |
troupe | artistes |
troupe | dancers |
troupe | performers |
trove | treasure |
truss | hay |
tumbler | gymnasts |
tumult | tuba players |
twaddle | public speakers |
twangle | harps |
tyranny | dictators |
unction | undertakers |
unemployment | graduates |
unkindness | ravens |
untruth | summoners |
uprising | mountaineers |
vane | directions |
veneer | newscasters |
vigilance | environmentalists |
village | gays |
virtue | patients |
vision | optometrists |
wad | bills |
wad | money |
wad | notes |
wail | sirens |
wake | buzzards |
wake | vultures |
wash | emotions |
watch | nightingales |
watch | Swiss |
wave | surfers |
wealth | documents |
wealth | information |
wealth | millionaires |
wheel | potters |
wheeze | joggers |
whiplash | potholes |
whisper | snipe |
whoop | chimpanzees |
wisdom | grandparents |
worm | robins |
worship | writers |
wunch | bankers |
yoke | pilots |
GK NXT - Great Knowledge for Genius Kids
The Ultimate Guide to Porcupines: A Symphony of Quills and Curiosities
The porcupine, that majestic guardian of solitude, stands as a symbol of quiet resilience and understated grandeur. With quills that shimmer like a warrior's armor, this remarkable creature has long been the subject of wonder, wisdom, and folklore. Each quill, a testament to its self-sufficient spirit, invites us to explore its enigmatic world—a world steeped in survival, mystery, and charm.
Known scientifically as members of the families Erethizontidae (New World porcupines) and Hystricidae (Old World porcupines), these creatures inhabit forests, deserts, and grasslands. Their adaptability, much like the stories they inspire, knows no bounds. But what lies beneath their quilled façade? What secrets do they guard, and what wisdom can we glean from their tales?
Nature's Living Fortress
Each quill on a porcupine is a marvel of evolution—sharp, hollow, and imbued with microscopic barbs. Contrary to popular belief, these quills are not projectiles but gentle warnings, a language of defense rather than aggression. When threatened, the porcupine embodies serenity amidst chaos, raising its quills as a knight might lift a shield, whispering to the world: "Approach with care."
Porcupines are herbivores, their diets a tribute to the bounty of the earth. Bark, leaves, and fruits become their feast, each meal a communion with nature's generosity. Their incisors, ever-growing and ever-honing, are tools of survival and testament to their resourcefulness.
Porcupines in Myths, Idioms, and Sayings
The porcupine’s quilled silhouette has inspired countless idioms and expressions. "Like hugging a porcupine" evokes the paradox of love and challenge, while "a porcupine's wisdom" speaks to cautious discernment. Across cultures, these creatures embody both vulnerability and strength, their quills a metaphor for life's defenses and its beauty.
In Native American lore, porcupines symbolize innocence and humility. Their slow, deliberate movements remind us to tread lightly in a world brimming with unseen perils. In African folklore, the porcupine is a symbol of survival, adapting to harsh environments with grace and ingenuity.
Words of Wisdom: Quotes About Porcupines
"The porcupine is a philosopher in the wilderness, a sage armed with the armor of patience and persistence." – Anonymous
"Porcupines teach us that beauty lies in protection and that strength often wears the guise of gentleness." – Unknown Naturalist
Conclusion: A Tapestry of Quills
As we part from the porcupine’s world, we carry with us a profound respect for this creature of contrasts. Its quills, both delicate and daunting, remind us of life's complexities—the interplay of defense and vulnerability, of solitude and resilience. The porcupine, with its quiet fortitude, invites us to celebrate the unassuming wonders of nature.