Python Data Types

    Python Data Types
    Python Data Types
    Data comes in various forms like numbers, text etc. A data type represents the type of data stored in memory. The data types that are already built-in and made available for all in Python are called built-in data types. The data types which are created by the users for a specific need are called User-defined data types. Python has 14 built-in data types. Python uses short form of names of some data types (int for integer, float for floating point number, complex for complex number, bool for boolean, dict for dictionary, and str for string)

    Python Data TypesAn object of mutable data type can be changed whenever a change is needed.

    Python Data TypesAn object of immutable data type cannot be changed after creation. If a change is needed, the object will be destroyed and a new object will be created. In general, immutable objects are faster and take less memory.

    Python's built-in data types
    data type type mutability
    int Number immutable
    float Number immutable
    complex Number immutable
    bool Number immutable
    str Sequence immutable
    list Sequence mutable
    tuple Sequence immutable
    range Sequence immutable
    bytes Sequence immutable
    bytearray Sequence mutable
    set Sets mutable
    frozenset Sets immutable
    dict Mapping mutable
    None None immutable
    Python Data Types
