collective nouns for journalists

collective noun | usage |
pack | A pack of journalists |
flock | A flock of journalists |
buzz | A buzz of journalists |
press | A press of journalists |
scoop | A scoop of journalists |
clutch | A clutch of journalists |
hive | A hive of journalists |
swarm | A swarm of journalists |
string | A string of journalists |
battery | A battery of journalists |
List of all collective nouns | |
Collective Nouns for Journalists: A Linguistic Exploration
Journalism is often called the "Fourth Estate," a pillar of democracy and a voice for the people. The individuals behind this powerful force—journalists—are storytellers, investigators, and watchdogs. Their dynamic work has inspired collective nouns that capture the essence of their profession. In this exploration, we uncover the fascinating world of collective nouns for journalists, their historical roots, and their cultural significance.
Unique Collective Nouns for Journalists
Collective nouns for journalists reflect the fast-paced, collaborative, and often competitive nature of their profession. Here are some of the most notable terms:
- A Pack of Journalists: A term that highlights their pursuit of stories, often working together or in close proximity at events.
- A Clutch of Journalists: Evokes the image of a small, focused group working intensely on breaking news.
- A Press of Journalists: A nod to the traditional term "the press," symbolizing both the profession and its physical roots in printing.
- A Buzz of Journalists: Captures the energy, excitement, and often chaotic atmosphere they bring to major events.
- A Flock of Journalists: Suggests a gathering of reporters, like birds drawn to a significant story or event.
The Historical Roots of Journalist Terminology
Many collective nouns for journalists have roots in the early days of print media. For example, "a press of journalists" stems from the printing press, the technological marvel that revolutionized information dissemination. Similarly, "a pack of journalists" became popular as the competitive nature of news reporting grew, especially during high-profile events.
Over time, these terms evolved to reflect the changing landscape of journalism, from print to broadcast to digital platforms. They capture not just the literal act of reporting but also the culture, energy, and camaraderie of the profession.
Fun Facts About Journalist Terminology
The language of journalism is rich with history and creativity. Here are some fun facts about how we talk about journalists:
- The term "the press" originally referred to the printing press but has since become synonymous with journalism as a whole.
- "A buzz of journalists" captures the excitement and flurry of activity at events like press conferences or red-carpet premieres.
- "A pack of journalists" is often used in both literal and figurative contexts, emphasizing the tenacity and teamwork of reporters chasing a story.
Journalists in Literature and Pop Culture
Journalists have been depicted in literature and pop culture as heroes, sleuths, and relentless truth-seekers. Scenes of "a press of journalists" feature prominently in films about major trials or scandals, adding drama and intensity. In books, collective nouns like "a pack of journalists" often symbolize the competitive, high-stakes nature of the profession.
These portrayals not only entertain but also underscore the importance of journalism in shaping public opinion and holding power accountable.
Test Your Knowledge
Think you know your collective nouns for journalists? Try answering these:
- Which collective noun describes journalists gathered at a major event?
- What term would you use for a small, focused group of investigative reporters?
- Can you invent your own collective noun for journalists? Share it below!
The Power of Words
Collective nouns for journalists reflect not only their profession but also their impact on society. From "a press of journalists" to "a buzz of journalists," these terms highlight the dynamism, energy, and importance of the individuals who shape our understanding of the world. As you encounter these words, take a moment to appreciate the legacy and contribution of journalism to our lives.
What’s your favorite collective noun for journalists? Share your thoughts below, and let’s celebrate the linguistic richness of this vital profession.
collective noun | subject |
abandonment | orphans |
abominable sight | monks |
absence | waiters |
accompaniment | condiments |
acne | adolescents |
advance | authors |
agenda | tasks |
album | photographs |
album | stamps |
amalgam | dentists |
amalgamation | metallurgists |
amble | walkers |
ambush | widows |
annoyance | neighbours |
anthology | poems |
anthology | prose |
archive | programmers |
argument | advocates |
argumentation | historians |
armada | newts |
armada | warships |
armoury | aardvarks |
army | ants |
army | caterpillars |
army | frogs |
army | soldiers |
aroma | bakers |
array | luminaries |
assembly | ministers |
assembly | toys |
assortment | yogurt |
asylum | managers |
atlas | maps |
attack | aliens (extraterrestrial) |
attitude | seniors |
attitude | teenagers |
audience | listeners |
audit | bookkeepers |
aurora | polar bears |
autumn | leaves |
axel | figure skaters |
babble | barbers |
babble | linguists |
babel | cellphones |
balance | accountants |
bale | cotton |
bale | turtles |
bale | wool |
band | coyotes |
band | gorillas |
band | jackdaws |
band | jays |
band | men |
band | mongooses |
band | musicians |
band | pirates |
band | robbers |
bank | circuits |
bank | monitors |
banner | knights |
baptism | fire |
bark | cynics |
barren | mules |
bask | crocodiles |
basket | fruits |
basket | plums |
basket | vegetables |
batch | bread |
batch | loaves |
battery | artillery |
battery | barracuda |
battery | guns |
battery | rams |
battery | tests |
bazaar | guillemots |
bed | clams |
bed | mussels |
bed | oysters |
bellowing | bullfinches |
belt | asteroids |
bench | bishops |
bench | judges |
bench | magistrates |
bend | willows |
bestiary | monsters |
bevy | beauties |
bevy | beautiful ladies |
bevy | doves |
bevy | dowagers |
bevy | ladies |
bevy | otters |
bevy | quail |
bevy | roe deer |
bevy | swans |
billow | smokers |
bind | salmon |
bite | midges |
blackening | shoemakers |
blanket | snow |
blast | hunters |
blaze | pyromaniacs |
blessing | unicorns |
bloat | hippopotamuses |
block | apartments |
block | flats |
blur | impressionists |
blush | boys |
blush | embarrassments |
board | chess players |
board | directors |
board | executives |
board | trustees |
boatload | aliens (noncitizens) |
body | pathologists |
boo | surprises |
book | matches |
book | Mormons |
book | wagers |
bouquet | florists |
bouquet | flowers |
bouquet | pheasants |
bouquet | roses |
bouquet | wine tasters |
bout | estimations |
bowl | ice cream |
bowl | keglers |
brace | orthodontists |
branle | diplomats |
bridge | admirals |
bridge | lyricists |
broadband | telecom workers |
bromide | greeting cards |
brood | chickens |
brood | hens |
brood | nestlings |
brow | scholars |
budget | letters |
buffoonery | orangutans |
building | rooks |
bunch | grapes |
bunch | things |
bundle | asparagus |
bundle | clothes |
bundle | nerves |
bundle | rags |
bunting | flags |
bury | conies |
bushel | apples |
business | ferrets |
buttonhole | lobbyists |
byte | computer operators |
cache | ammunition |
cache | arms |
cache | jewelery |
cache | weapons |
cadge | peregrines |
calendar | saints |
candle | tapirs |
caper | kids |
cast | actors |
cast | falcons |
cast | hawks |
cast | merlins |
cast | orthopaedists |
catalogue | librarians |
catch | anglers |
catch | collective nouns |
cavalcade | horsemen |
cete | badgers |
chain | bobolinks |
chain | events |
chain | islands |
chain | lynx |
chain | surveyors |
charge | curates |
charge | taxis |
charm | finches |
charm | goldfinches |
charm | hummingbirds |
charm | words |
chattering | choughs |
chattering | cockatoos |
chattering | coughs |
chest | drawers |
chime | ice cream carts |
chine | polecats |
choir | singers |
chorus | composers |
circle | friends |
clan | hyenas |
clan | meerkats |
clan | Scots |
clank | tanks |
class | students |
clew | worms |
clipping | geldings |
cloud | gnats |
cloud | grasshoppers |
clowder | cats |
clump | reeds |
clump | trees |
cluster | bombs |
cluster | churls |
cluster | computers |
cluster | diamonds |
cluster | knots |
cluster | spiders |
clutch | eggs |
clutch | families |
clutch | kleptomaniacs |
clutch | mechanics |
clutch | motorcyclists |
clutch | testicles |
clutch | wrestlers |
coalition | cheetahs |
cocktail | drugs |
coffle | slaves |
cog | robots |
collection | objects |
collective | nouns |
college | electors |
college | physicians |
colloid | chemists |
colony | avocets |
colony | bats |
colony | beavers |
colony | fungi |
colony | gulls |
colony | ibises |
colony | lepers |
colony | lice |
colony | microbiologists |
colony | pelicans |
colony | penguins |
colony | rabbits |
colony | termites |
colony | voles |
column | armoured cars |
comedy | errors |
commotion | coots |
company | archer fish |
company | archers |
company | fools |
company | moles |
company | parrots |
company | widgeon |
complex | psychoanalysts |
complex | psychologists |
compromise | mediators |
concatenation | orgiasts |
conclave | cardinals |
confederacy | dunces |
conflagration | fireflies |
congeries | wizards |
conglomerate | geologists |
congregation | alligators |
congregation | churchgoers |
congregation | plovers |
congregation | worshipers |
conjunction | grammarians |
consortium | octopuses |
consternation | mothers |
constituency | voters |
converting | preachers |
convocation | eagles |
convoy | trucks |
convoy | vehicles |
cord | wood |
cord | woodwinds |
cornucopia | slugs |
corps | anatomists |
cortege | mourners |
coterie | orchids |
coterie | prairie dogs |
council | members |
countryside | cousins |
couple | bottles |
couple | impalas |
coven | vampires |
coven | witches |
covey | grouse |
covey | partridges |
cowardice | curs |
crash | glaziers |
crash | rhinoceroses |
crash | software |
crèche | infantry |
credence | stewards |
creep | tortoises |
crew | sailors |
crowd | onlookers |
crowd | people |
crowd | redwing |
cruft | hackers |
crush | shoppers |
culture | bacteria |
curse | creditors |
cutting | cobblers |
damning | jurors |
dash | commuters |
dawn | morning glories |
deal | agents |
dearth | nurses |
deceit | lapwings |
deck | cards |
deck | playing cards |
decorum | deans |
deficit | economists |
delegation | ambassadors |
delicatessen | gourmands |
delicatessen | gourmets |
den | snakes |
descent | relatives |
descent | woodpeckers |
design | engineers |
desperation | divorcees |
destruction | wildcats |
dicker | hides |
diffidence | debutantes |
diligence | messengers |
disguising | tailors |
dish | gossips |
distraction | fathers |
doctrine | doctors |
dopping | sheldrakes |
down | hares |
draught | butlers |
drift | fishermen |
drift | icebergs |
drift | lecturers |
drove | bullocks |
drove | elves |
duplicity | spies |
durante | toucans |
eleven | cricketers |
elicat | gloves |
embarrassment | pandas |
embarrassment | riches |
ensemble | homosexuals |
entourage | attendants |
entrance | actresses |
equanimity | tranquilizers |
equivocation | politicians |
erudition | editors |
exaltation | larks |
example | masters |
expectation | heirs |
expectation | midwives |
explosion | Italians |
extinction | dodos |
exultation | fireworks |
eyesore | graffiti |
faculty | academics |
fagot | firewood |
fagot | sticks |
faith | merchants |
fall | lambs |
fall | woodcocks |
falling | dominoes |
family | sardines |
fellowship | yeomen |
festival | balloons |
fever | stingrays |
fidget | suspects |
field | runners |
fighting | beggars |
file | manicurists |
fistful | dollars |
fistful | grasses |
flash | paparazzi |
fleet | ambulances |
fleet | bass |
fleet | boats |
fleet | buses |
fleet | cars |
fleet | chartered planes |
fleet | coaches |
fleet | ducklings |
fleet | jets |
fleet | lorries |
fleet | mud hens |
fleet | ships |
fleet | vans |
fleet | vessels |
fleet | yachts |
flight | aeroplanes |
flight | aircraft |
flight | butterflies |
flight | cormorants |
flight | dragons |
flight | dunbirds |
flight | golf balls |
flight | goshawks |
flight | planes |
flight | refugees |
flight | stairs |
flight | steps |
flight | swallows |
flight | yesterdays |
fling | dunlins |
fling | oxbirds |
fling | sandpipers |
float | tuna |
flock | auks |
flock | birds |
flock | budgerigars |
flock | bustards |
flock | camels |
flock | ducks |
flock | geese |
flock | ostriches |
flock | pigeons |
flock | seagulls |
flock | swifts |
flock | tourists |
floe | ice |
floodlight | ideas |
flotilla | swordfish |
flourish | blossoms |
flourish | strumpets |
flourish | trumpets |
flush | plumbers |
flush | wing commanders |
fluther | jellyfish |
flutter | flutists |
fold | chairs |
following | stalkers |
foresight | housekeepers |
fortitude | graduate students |
freeze | northerners |
frenzy | cheerleaders |
frenzy | contestants |
fret | guitarists |
fright | ghosts |
gaggle | comedians |
gaggle | women |
galaxy | astronomers |
galaxy | governesses |
galaxy | starfish |
galaxy | starlets |
galaxy | stars |
gallimaufry | noises |
gamut | professions |
gang | bison |
gang | convicts |
gang | laborers |
gang | thieves |
gaze | raccoons |
giggle | girls |
glacier | freezers |
glean | herrings |
glint | goldfish |
glitter | generals |
glorifying | liars |
glut | commercials |
goring | butchers |
grandiosity | operas |
gratitude | juniors |
great deal | used car salesmen |
greed | attorneys |
grid | electricians |
grip | porters |
groan | puns |
gross | Germans |
group | guinea pigs |
grumble | Pugs |
gush | sycophants |
haggle | vendors |
hail | gunfire |
hailstorm | gunships |
hammer | auctioneers |
hand | bananas |
handful | gynaecologists |
handful | palm readers |
harem | concubines |
harem | courtesans |
hassle | errands |
hastiness | cooks |
head | curlews |
heap | ruins |
heap | sand |
heap | trash |
hedge | bushes |
helix | geneticists |
herd | alpacas |
herd | animals |
herd | antelopes |
herd | asses |
herd | boars |
herd | bucks |
herd | buffaloes |
herd | caribou |
herd | cattle |
herd | chamois |
herd | chinchillas |
herd | cows |
herd | cranes |
herd | deer |
herd | dinosaurs |
herd | donkeys |
herd | eland |
herd | elephants |
herd | elk |
herd | fairies |
herd | giraffes |
herd | gnus |
herd | goats |
herd | harlots |
herd | harts |
herd | horses |
herd | ibex |
herd | llamas |
herd | moose |
herd | otologists |
herd | oxen |
herd | pigs |
herd | reindeer |
herd | Sea horses |
herd | seals |
herd | sheep |
herd | walruses |
herd | wildebeest |
herd | wrens |
herd | yaks |
herd | zebras |
hill | beans |
hill | ruffs |
hoard | gold |
horde | gerbils |
horde | hamsters |
horde | misers |
horde | savages |
host | angels |
host | sparrows |
hotbed | quilts |
house | senators |
hover | helicopters |
hover | kestrels |
hover | trout |
huddle | houses |
huddle | lawyers |
hug | teddy bears |
iamb | poets |
illusion | magicians |
illusion | painters |
immersion | baptists |
impatience | wives |
imposition | in-laws |
impression | mockingbirds |
incision | surgeons |
incredibility | cuckolds |
ingratitude | children |
intrusion | cockroaches |
jam | tarts |
jangle | hangers |
joint | osteopaths |
kettle | drums |
kindle | kittens |
kindle | leverets |
kneeling | parishioners |
knob | pintails |
knot | astrologers |
knot | toads |
labyrinth | magazines |
laches | landlords |
lack | principals |
lap | cod |
laughter | hostlers |
league | nations |
leap | leopards |
leaping | lords |
leash | greyhounds |
legion | devils |
library | books |
lie | golfers |
line | kings |
litany | lutists |
litter | cubs |
litter | piglets |
litter | puppies |
litter | whelps |
load | diapers |
load | dirty clothes |
load | drunks |
lock | hair |
lot | parking attendants |
lot | realtors |
lot | salt |
lounge | lizards |
loveliness | ladybirds |
luck | dice |
lump | oncologists |
lying | pardoners |
malapertness | peddlers |
march | museums |
mass | Catholics |
mass | priests |
maze | canyons |
meaning | dictionaries |
meeting | Quakers |
megabyte | computer programmers |
melee | rioters |
melody | harpists |
ménage | mongrels |
mess | grits |
mess | iguanas |
mess | officers |
mess | pottage |
meter | percussionists |
mint | candies |
mob | emus |
mob | gangsters |
mob | kangaroos |
mob | Texans |
mob | wallabies |
mob | wombats |
month | sundays |
mountain | debt |
movement | gastroenterologists |
multiplication | loafers |
multiplying | husbands |
murder | crows |
murmuration | starlings |
muscle | marines |
museum | art |
muster | peacocks |
muster | storks |
mutation | thrushes |
mutter | mothers-in-law |
nest | hornets |
nest | machine guns |
nest | mice |
nest | vipers |
nest | wasps |
network | administrators |
neverthriving | jugglers |
nucleus | physicists |
number | mathematicians |
number | questions |
number | statisticians |
nursery | plants |
obeisance | servants |
observance | hermits |
odyssey | luggage |
ogle | office boys |
omitting | censors |
ooze | amoebas |
opera | canaries |
optimism | youths |
orbit | satellites |
orchard | apple trees |
orchard | fruittrees |
orchestra | crickets |
orgy | swingers |
outback | Aussies |
overcharge | repairmen |
pack | dogs |
pack | hounds |
pack | juice |
pack | perch |
pack | rats |
pack | stoats |
pack | submarines |
pack | suitcases |
pack | wolves |
packet | lollies |
pair | lovebirds |
pallor | night watchmen |
pan | critics |
pan | reviewers |
panel | experts |
panel | umpires |
panic | producers |
pantheon | gods |
pantry | food |
parcel | hinds |
parcel | postal workers |
parel | troops |
parenthesis | cellists |
parley | instruments |
parliament | owls |
parliament | ptarmigans |
parliament | whores |
passel | brats |
passel | possums |
pavanne | matadors |
peal | bells |
peck | Frenchmen |
peel | vacationers |
pencil | lines |
persistence | parents |
phalanx | umbrellas |
pile | accidents |
pile | dung |
pile | dust |
pile | garbage |
piling | construction workers |
pint | Irishmen |
pithy | truths |
pity | prisoners |
pitying | turtledoves |
plague | locals |
plague | locusts |
plain | farmers |
plaint | oboists |
platitude | sophomores |
plenitude | freshmen |
pluck | firefighters |
plump | moorhens |
plump | waterfowl |
plump | wildfowl |
plunder | goons |
oranges | |
pod | dolphins |
pod | peas |
pod | whiting |
podium | orators |
poke | fencers |
ponder | philosophers |
portfolio | pictures |
portfolio | stockbrokers |
posse | police |
posse | posers |
posse | sheriffs |
postponement | trains |
pot | dieters |
pouf | hairdressers |
pound | carpenters |
pound | Englishmen |
pound | pianists |
poverty | pipers |
prance | equestrians |
pratfall | clowns |
preserve | jam |
prickle | hedgehogs |
prickle | porcupines |
pride | griffins |
pride | lions |
profit | gurus |
promise | bartenders |
promise | tapsters |
promise | tomorrows |
prowl | jaguars |
prowl | puma |
prudence | vicars |
pull | silk-screens |
pummel | masseurs |
pumphouse | egos |
punnet | strawberries |
purse | winnings |
quake | seismologists |
quicksand | credit cards |
quiver | arrows |
quiver | cobras |
quiver | rebuttals |
race | jockeys |
rack | gears |
raffle | turkeys |
raft | puffins |
raft | swimmers |
rag | colts |
rage | maidens |
rage | teeth |
rainbow | reasons |
range | hills |
range | mountains |
range | ovens |
rash | dermatologists |
rasp | lawnmowers |
realm | kingfishers |
ream | paper |
reflection | narcissists |
regiment | hypocrites |
rendering | architects |
retinue | ophthalmologists |
rhumba | rattlesnakes |
riches | matrons |
richess | martins |
richness | martens |
richness | minks |
riffraff | knaves |
ring | boxers |
ring | jewellers |
ring | keys |
risk | lobsters |
roll | armadillos |
roll | coins |
roll | drummers |
roll | gamblers |
rookery | albatrosses |
roost | fowl |
rope | onions |
round | drinks |
round | mailmen |
rout | schoolboys |
rout | snails |
row | oarsmen |
royalty | princesses |
run | poultry |
rush | pochard |
sack | quarterbacks |
salon | Poodles |
salvo | shells |
samba | shopping carts |
sample | salesmen |
saunter | cowboys |
scale | ichthyologists |
scam | con artists |
scandal | shoes |
schedule | activities |
scheme | swindlers |
school | butterfly fish |
school | clerks |
school | fish |
school | porpoises |
school | sharks |
school | whales |
scolding | seamstresses |
scoop | journalists |
scoop | reporters |
score | bachelors |
score | years |
scourge | mosquitoes |
scream | newsboys |
scurry | squirrels |
scuttle | crabs |
sea | troubles |
seat | ushers |
sedge | bitterns |
series | exams |
series | radiologists |
sesame | locksmiths |
set | bowls |
set | golf clubs |
set | numbers |
set | tools |
set | utensils |
sheaf | corn |
sheaf | wheat |
shield | icons |
shoal | mackerel |
shoal | pilchards |
shoal | shad |
shortage | dwarves |
shot | pediatricians |
shout | winners |
shower | bullets |
shower | meteorologists |
shrewdness | apes |
shudder | washing machines |
shuffle | bureaucrats |
shuttle | weavers |
siege | herons |
sign | cymbals |
skein | goslings |
skein | silk |
skitter | golf carts |
skulk | foxes |
skulk | friars |
slab | morticians |
slate | candidates |
slaver | gluttons |
sleuth | bears |
slew | exterminators |
slew | homework |
slouch | models |
slumber | sloths |
snap | photographers |
sneak | weasels |
soar | kites |
Sodom | shepherds |
sord | mallards |
soufflé | clouds |
sounder | hogs |
sounder | swine |
sounder | warthogs |
sounder | wild boars |
soupçon | chefs |
spill | busboys |
spite | prima donnas |
splash | puddles |
split | debtors |
splurge | sponsors |
sprawl | malls |
spread | nymphomaniacs |
spread | sticklebacks |
sprig | vegetarians |
spring | teals |
sprinkling | gardeners |
squadron | cavalry |
squash | sermons |
squeal | nieces |
squint | proofreaders |
stable | prostitutes |
stack | newspapers |
staff | employees |
staff | teachers |
stalk | foresters |
stampede | philatelists |
stand | flamingos |
state | princes |
steam | turds |
stench | skunks |
stench | zombies |
stock | portfolio managers |
store | gypsies |
storm | paratroopers |
streak | tigers |
stream | minnows |
string | beads |
string | jobs |
string | pearls |
string | ponies |
string | racehorses |
string | violinists |
stud | mares |
stud | poker players |
subtlety | designers |
subtlety | sergeants |
suffocation | aunts |
suite | furniture |
suite | rooms |
sum | adders |
superfluity | nuns |
superfluity | similes |
sute | bloodhounds |
swarm | bees |
swarm | earthquakes |
swarm | eels |
swarm | flies |
swarm | insects |
swarm | suitors |
sweetness | sopranos |
swelter | blankets |
swirl | paisleys |
syndicate | capitalists |
table | actuaries |
tantrum | decorators |
team | athletes |
team | footballers |
team | players |
team | workers |
tenet | palindromes |
tenure | professors |
terror | terriers |
thicket | idiots |
thought | barons |
thrall | bridegrooms |
threatening | courtiers |
thrill | brides |
thrill | fans |
tiding | magpies |
tilt | windmills |
tincture | pharmacists |
tissue | lies |
toil | peasants |
torment | trainers |
tough | lesbians |
trajectory | astronauts |
trance | lovers |
travesty | transvestites |
tray | dieticians |
tree | genealogists |
tribe | natives |
trip | dotterels |
trip | hippies |
troop | baboons |
troop | monkeys |
troop | mushrooms |
troup | shrimps |
troupe | acrobats |
troupe | artistes |
troupe | dancers |
troupe | performers |
trove | treasure |
truss | hay |
tumbler | gymnasts |
tumult | tuba players |
twaddle | public speakers |
twangle | harps |
tyranny | dictators |
unction | undertakers |
unemployment | graduates |
unkindness | ravens |
untruth | summoners |
uprising | mountaineers |
vane | directions |
veneer | newscasters |
vigilance | environmentalists |
village | gays |
virtue | patients |
vision | optometrists |
wad | bills |
wad | money |
wad | notes |
wail | sirens |
wake | buzzards |
wake | vultures |
wash | emotions |
watch | nightingales |
watch | Swiss |
wave | surfers |
wealth | documents |
wealth | information |
wealth | millionaires |
wheel | potters |
wheeze | joggers |
whiplash | potholes |
whisper | snipe |
whoop | chimpanzees |
wisdom | grandparents |
worm | robins |
worship | writers |
wunch | bankers |
yoke | pilots |