Z - GK NXT Dictionary

Last Updated: February 12, 2025
Z, z (noun)1 the twenty-sixth letter of the alphabet. 2 (algebra) the third unknown quantity. 3 (math) the third coordinate.
zany (adjective)crazy (a zany comedy).
zap (verb)1 (in computer games) to destroy or kill. 2 to change television channel using a remote control.
zeal (noun)keenness, eagerness, enthusiasm (show a great deal of zeal for keeping fit).
zealot (noun)a person who is so keen on a cause or idea that he or she can talk of nothing else.
zealous (adjective)very keen, eager (zealous supporters of the cause). adv zealously
zebra (noun)a striped horse-like animal from Africa.
Zelophobiafear of jealousy or of strong emotion (see list of phobias)
Zemmiphobiafear of the mole rat (see list of phobias)
zenith (noun)1 the point of the heavens directly overhead. 2 the highest point (the zenith of his career).
Zenographystudy of the planet Jupiter (see list of branches of science)
zephyr (noun)(lit) a gentle breeze.
zero (noun)1 the figure 0. 2 the 0-mark on a measuring scale.
zero hour (noun)the time fixed for the beginning of something, such as a military attack.
zest (noun)keen enjoyment, enthusiasm (the old lady’s zest for life). adj zestful.
Zeusophobiafear of God (see list of phobias)
zigzag (adjective)turning sharply to the left, following a straight line, then turning sharply to the right, and so on. n a zigzag line or course. vb (zigzagged , zigzagging ) to follow a zigzag course.
zinc (noun)a bluish-white metal
Zionism (noun)the movement to found and develop Israel. adj and n Zionist
zip (verb)(zipped , zipping ) 1 (informal) to whiz (I’m just zipping to the drugstore). 2 to fasten with a zipper (the girl asked her mother to zip up her dress).
zip code (noun)a number identifying a postal area of the United States.
zipper (noun)a sliding fastener that causes two strips of metal teeth to engage in or disengage from each other as it moves.
zither (noun)a flat stringed musical instrument played with the fingers.
zodiac (noun)the band of the heavens in which the sun, moon, and planets seem to move, containing the twelve groups of stars known as the signs of the zodiac.
zone (noun)1 any region with distinctive characteristics of its own. 2 any of the five regions of the surface of the earth that are divided according to prevailing climate and latitude. 3 a section of an area established for a specific purpose, e.g. a section of a city restricted to a particular type of building, enterprise, etc (a residential zone).
zoo (noun)a park in which animals are kept in cages, enclosures, ponds, etc, for show.
Zooarchaeologystudy of animal remains of archaeological sites (see list of branches of science)
Zoochemistrystudy of chemistry of animals (see list of branches of science)
Zoogeographystudy of geographic distribution of animals (see list of branches of science)
Zoogeologystudy of fossil animal remains (see list of branches of science)
zoological (adjective)having to do with the study of animals. zoological gardens a zoo.
zoologist (noun)a person who studies animals.
Zoologystudy of animals (see list of branches of science)
zoology (noun)the study of animals.
zoom (verb)1 to climb rapidly at a steep angle. 2 (informal) to increase rapidly. 3 (informal) to move very quickly.
zoom lens (noun)a camera lens that is adjusted for focusing on close or distant objects.
Zoonomystudy of animal physiology (see list of branches of science)
Zoonosologystudy of animal diseases (see list of branches of science)
Zoopathologystudy of animal diseases (see list of branches of science)
Zoophobiafear of animals (see list of phobias)
Zoophysicsstudy of physics of animal bodies (see list of branches of science)
Zoophysiologystudy of physiology of animals (see list of branches of science)
Zoophytologystudy of plant-like animals (see list of branches of science)
Zoosemioticsstudy of animal communication (see list of branches of science)
Zootaxystudy of classification of animals (see list of branches of science)
Zootechnicsstudy of breeding animals (see list of branches of science)
zucchini (noun)a cylindrical summer squash with dark green skin; a courgette.
Zulu (noun)1 a member of an African tribe. 2 its language. Also adj.
Zygologystudy of joining and fastening (see list of branches of science)
Zymologystudy of fermentation (see list of branches of science)
Zymurgystudy of brewing and distilling (see list of branches of science)
Zythologystudy of beer (see list of branches of science)
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GK NXT Dictionary
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Last Updated: February 12, 2025