collective nouns for aardvarks

Collective Noun | Usage |
armory | An armory of aardvarks |
List of all collective nouns | |
collective noun | subject |
abandonment | orphans |
abominable sight | monks |
absence | waiters |
accompaniment | condiments |
acne | adolescents |
advance | authors |
agenda | tasks |
album | photographs |
album | stamps |
amalgam | dentists |
amalgamation | metallurgists |
amble | walkers |
ambush | widows |
annoyance | neighbours |
anthology | poems |
anthology | prose |
archive | programmers |
argument | advocates |
argumentation | historians |
armada | newts |
armada | warships |
armoury | aardvarks |
army | ants |
army | caterpillars |
army | frogs |
army | soldiers |
aroma | bakers |
array | luminaries |
assembly | ministers |
assembly | toys |
assortment | yogurt |
asylum | managers |
atlas | maps |
attack | aliens (extraterrestrial) |
attitude | seniors |
attitude | teenagers |
audience | listeners |
audit | bookkeepers |
aurora | polar bears |
autumn | leaves |
axel | figure skaters |
babble | barbers |
babble | linguists |
babel | cellphones |
balance | accountants |
bale | cotton |
bale | turtles |
bale | wool |
band | coyotes |
band | gorillas |
band | jackdaws |
band | jays |
band | men |
band | mongooses |
band | musicians |
band | pirates |
band | robbers |
bank | circuits |
bank | monitors |
banner | knights |
baptism | fire |
bark | cynics |
barren | mules |
bask | crocodiles |
basket | fruits |
basket | plums |
basket | vegetables |
batch | bread |
batch | loaves |
battery | artillery |
battery | barracuda |
battery | guns |
battery | rams |
battery | tests |
bazaar | guillemots |
bed | clams |
bed | mussels |
bed | oysters |
bellowing | bullfinches |
belt | asteroids |
bench | bishops |
bench | judges |
bench | magistrates |
bend | willows |
bestiary | monsters |
bevy | beauties |
bevy | beautiful ladies |
bevy | doves |
bevy | dowagers |
bevy | ladies |
bevy | otters |
bevy | quail |
bevy | roe deer |
bevy | swans |
billow | smokers |
bind | salmon |
bite | midges |
blackening | shoemakers |
blanket | snow |
blast | hunters |
blaze | pyromaniacs |
blessing | unicorns |
bloat | hippopotamuses |
block | apartments |
block | flats |
blur | impressionists |
blush | boys |
blush | embarrassments |
board | chess players |
board | directors |
board | executives |
board | trustees |
boatload | aliens (noncitizens) |
body | pathologists |
boo | surprises |
book | matches |
book | Mormons |
book | wagers |
bouquet | florists |
bouquet | flowers |
bouquet | pheasants |
bouquet | roses |
bouquet | wine tasters |
bout | estimations |
bowl | ice cream |
bowl | keglers |
brace | orthodontists |
branle | diplomats |
bridge | admirals |
bridge | lyricists |
broadband | telecom workers |
bromide | greeting cards |
brood | chickens |
brood | hens |
brood | nestlings |
brow | scholars |
budget | letters |
buffoonery | orangutans |
building | rooks |
bunch | grapes |
bunch | things |
bundle | asparagus |
bundle | clothes |
bundle | nerves |
bundle | rags |
bunting | flags |
bury | conies |
bushel | apples |
business | ferrets |
buttonhole | lobbyists |
byte | computer operators |
cache | ammunition |
cache | arms |
cache | jewelery |
cache | weapons |
cadge | peregrines |
calendar | saints |
candle | tapirs |
caper | kids |
cast | actors |
cast | falcons |
cast | hawks |
cast | merlins |
cast | orthopaedists |
catalogue | librarians |
catch | anglers |
catch | collective nouns |
cavalcade | horsemen |
cete | badgers |
chain | bobolinks |
chain | events |
chain | islands |
chain | lynx |
chain | surveyors |
charge | curates |
charge | taxis |
charm | finches |
charm | goldfinches |
charm | hummingbirds |
charm | words |
chattering | choughs |
chattering | cockatoos |
chattering | coughs |
chest | drawers |
chime | ice cream carts |
chine | polecats |
choir | singers |
chorus | composers |
circle | friends |
clan | hyenas |
clan | meerkats |
clan | Scots |
clank | tanks |
class | students |
clew | worms |
clipping | geldings |
cloud | gnats |
cloud | grasshoppers |
clowder | cats |
clump | reeds |
clump | trees |
cluster | bombs |
cluster | churls |
cluster | computers |
cluster | diamonds |
cluster | knots |
cluster | spiders |
clutch | eggs |
clutch | families |
clutch | kleptomaniacs |
clutch | mechanics |
clutch | motorcyclists |
clutch | testicles |
clutch | wrestlers |
coalition | cheetahs |
cocktail | drugs |
coffle | slaves |
cog | robots |
collection | objects |
collective | nouns |
college | electors |
college | physicians |
colloid | chemists |
colony | avocets |
colony | bats |
colony | beavers |
colony | fungi |
colony | gulls |
colony | ibises |
colony | lepers |
colony | lice |
colony | microbiologists |
colony | pelicans |
colony | penguins |
colony | rabbits |
colony | termites |
colony | voles |
column | armoured cars |
comedy | errors |
commotion | coots |
company | archer fish |
company | archers |
company | fools |
company | moles |
company | parrots |
company | widgeon |
complex | psychoanalysts |
complex | psychologists |
compromise | mediators |
concatenation | orgiasts |
conclave | cardinals |
confederacy | dunces |
conflagration | fireflies |
congeries | wizards |
conglomerate | geologists |
congregation | alligators |
congregation | churchgoers |
congregation | plovers |
congregation | worshipers |
conjunction | grammarians |
consortium | octopuses |
consternation | mothers |
constituency | voters |
converting | preachers |
convocation | eagles |
convoy | trucks |
convoy | vehicles |
cord | wood |
cord | woodwinds |
cornucopia | slugs |
corps | anatomists |
cortege | mourners |
coterie | orchids |
coterie | prairie dogs |
council | members |
countryside | cousins |
couple | bottles |
couple | impalas |
coven | vampires |
coven | witches |
covey | grouse |
covey | partridges |
cowardice | curs |
crash | glaziers |
crash | rhinoceroses |
crash | software |
crèche | infantry |
credence | stewards |
creep | tortoises |
crew | sailors |
crowd | onlookers |
crowd | people |
crowd | redwing |
cruft | hackers |
crush | shoppers |
culture | bacteria |
curse | creditors |
cutting | cobblers |
damning | jurors |
dash | commuters |
dawn | morning glories |
deal | agents |
dearth | nurses |
deceit | lapwings |
deck | cards |
deck | playing cards |
decorum | deans |
deficit | economists |
delegation | ambassadors |
delicatessen | gourmands |
delicatessen | gourmets |
den | snakes |
descent | relatives |
descent | woodpeckers |
design | engineers |
desperation | divorcees |
destruction | wildcats |
dicker | hides |
diffidence | debutantes |
diligence | messengers |
disguising | tailors |
dish | gossips |
distraction | fathers |
doctrine | doctors |
dopping | sheldrakes |
down | hares |
draught | butlers |
drift | fishermen |
drift | icebergs |
drift | lecturers |
drove | bullocks |
drove | elves |
duplicity | spies |
durante | toucans |
eleven | cricketers |
elicat | gloves |
embarrassment | pandas |
embarrassment | riches |
ensemble | homosexuals |
entourage | attendants |
entrance | actresses |
equanimity | tranquilizers |
equivocation | politicians |
erudition | editors |
exaltation | larks |
example | masters |
expectation | heirs |
expectation | midwives |
explosion | Italians |
extinction | dodos |
exultation | fireworks |
eyesore | graffiti |
faculty | academics |
fagot | firewood |
fagot | sticks |
faith | merchants |
fall | lambs |
fall | woodcocks |
falling | dominoes |
family | sardines |
fellowship | yeomen |
festival | balloons |
fever | stingrays |
fidget | suspects |
field | runners |
fighting | beggars |
file | manicurists |
fistful | dollars |
fistful | grasses |
flash | paparazzi |
fleet | ambulances |
fleet | bass |
fleet | boats |
fleet | buses |
fleet | cars |
fleet | chartered planes |
fleet | coaches |
fleet | ducklings |
fleet | jets |
fleet | lorries |
fleet | mud hens |
fleet | ships |
fleet | vans |
fleet | vessels |
fleet | yachts |
flight | aeroplanes |
flight | aircraft |
flight | butterflies |
flight | cormorants |
flight | dragons |
flight | dunbirds |
flight | golf balls |
flight | goshawks |
flight | planes |
flight | refugees |
flight | stairs |
flight | steps |
flight | swallows |
flight | yesterdays |
fling | dunlins |
fling | oxbirds |
fling | sandpipers |
float | tuna |
flock | auks |
flock | birds |
flock | budgerigars |
flock | bustards |
flock | camels |
flock | ducks |
flock | geese |
flock | ostriches |
flock | pigeons |
flock | seagulls |
flock | swifts |
flock | tourists |
floe | ice |
floodlight | ideas |
flotilla | swordfish |
flourish | blossoms |
flourish | strumpets |
flourish | trumpets |
flush | plumbers |
flush | wing commanders |
fluther | jellyfish |
flutter | flutists |
fold | chairs |
following | stalkers |
foresight | housekeepers |
fortitude | graduate students |
freeze | northerners |
frenzy | cheerleaders |
frenzy | contestants |
fret | guitarists |
fright | ghosts |
gaggle | comedians |
gaggle | women |
galaxy | astronomers |
galaxy | governesses |
galaxy | starfish |
galaxy | starlets |
galaxy | stars |
gallimaufry | noises |
gamut | professions |
gang | bison |
gang | convicts |
gang | laborers |
gang | thieves |
gaze | raccoons |
giggle | girls |
glacier | freezers |
glean | herrings |
glint | goldfish |
glitter | generals |
glorifying | liars |
glut | commercials |
goring | butchers |
grandiosity | operas |
gratitude | juniors |
great deal | used car salesmen |
greed | attorneys |
grid | electricians |
grip | porters |
groan | puns |
gross | Germans |
group | guinea pigs |
grumble | Pugs |
gush | sycophants |
haggle | vendors |
hail | gunfire |
hailstorm | gunships |
hammer | auctioneers |
hand | bananas |
handful | gynaecologists |
handful | palm readers |
harem | concubines |
harem | courtesans |
hassle | errands |
hastiness | cooks |
head | curlews |
heap | ruins |
heap | sand |
heap | trash |
hedge | bushes |
helix | geneticists |
herd | alpacas |
herd | animals |
herd | antelopes |
herd | asses |
herd | boars |
herd | bucks |
herd | buffaloes |
herd | caribou |
herd | cattle |
herd | chamois |
herd | chinchillas |
herd | cows |
herd | cranes |
herd | deer |
herd | dinosaurs |
herd | donkeys |
herd | eland |
herd | elephants |
herd | elk |
herd | fairies |
herd | giraffes |
herd | gnus |
herd | goats |
herd | harlots |
herd | harts |
herd | horses |
herd | ibex |
herd | llamas |
herd | moose |
herd | otologists |
herd | oxen |
herd | pigs |
herd | reindeer |
herd | Sea horses |
herd | seals |
herd | sheep |
herd | walruses |
herd | wildebeest |
herd | wrens |
herd | yaks |
herd | zebras |
hill | beans |
hill | ruffs |
hoard | gold |
horde | gerbils |
horde | hamsters |
horde | misers |
horde | savages |
host | angels |
host | sparrows |
hotbed | quilts |
house | senators |
hover | helicopters |
hover | kestrels |
hover | trout |
huddle | houses |
huddle | lawyers |
hug | teddy bears |
iamb | poets |
illusion | magicians |
illusion | painters |
immersion | baptists |
impatience | wives |
imposition | in-laws |
impression | mockingbirds |
incision | surgeons |
incredibility | cuckolds |
ingratitude | children |
intrusion | cockroaches |
jam | tarts |
jangle | hangers |
joint | osteopaths |
kettle | drums |
kindle | kittens |
kindle | leverets |
kneeling | parishioners |
knob | pintails |
knot | astrologers |
knot | toads |
labyrinth | magazines |
laches | landlords |
lack | principals |
lap | cod |
laughter | hostlers |
league | nations |
leap | leopards |
leaping | lords |
leash | greyhounds |
legion | devils |
library | books |
lie | golfers |
line | kings |
litany | lutists |
litter | cubs |
litter | piglets |
litter | puppies |
litter | whelps |
load | diapers |
load | dirty clothes |
load | drunks |
lock | hair |
lot | parking attendants |
lot | realtors |
lot | salt |
lounge | lizards |
loveliness | ladybirds |
luck | dice |
lump | oncologists |
lying | pardoners |
malapertness | peddlers |
march | museums |
mass | Catholics |
mass | priests |
maze | canyons |
meaning | dictionaries |
meeting | Quakers |
megabyte | computer programmers |
melee | rioters |
melody | harpists |
ménage | mongrels |
mess | grits |
mess | iguanas |
mess | officers |
mess | pottage |
meter | percussionists |
mint | candies |
mob | emus |
mob | gangsters |
mob | kangaroos |
mob | Texans |
mob | wallabies |
mob | wombats |
month | sundays |
mountain | debt |
movement | gastroenterologists |
multiplication | loafers |
multiplying | husbands |
murder | crows |
murmuration | starlings |
muscle | marines |
museum | art |
muster | peacocks |
muster | storks |
mutation | thrushes |
mutter | mothers-in-law |
nest | hornets |
nest | machine guns |
nest | mice |
nest | vipers |
nest | wasps |
network | administrators |
neverthriving | jugglers |
nucleus | physicists |
number | mathematicians |
number | questions |
number | statisticians |
nursery | plants |
obeisance | servants |
observance | hermits |
odyssey | luggage |
ogle | office boys |
omitting | censors |
ooze | amoebas |
opera | canaries |
optimism | youths |
orbit | satellites |
orchard | apple trees |
orchard | fruittrees |
orchestra | crickets |
orgy | swingers |
outback | Aussies |
overcharge | repairmen |
pack | dogs |
pack | hounds |
pack | juice |
pack | perch |
pack | rats |
pack | stoats |
pack | submarines |
pack | suitcases |
pack | wolves |
packet | lollies |
pair | lovebirds |
pallor | night watchmen |
pan | critics |
pan | reviewers |
panel | experts |
panel | umpires |
panic | producers |
pantheon | gods |
pantry | food |
parcel | hinds |
parcel | postal workers |
parel | troops |
parenthesis | cellists |
parley | instruments |
parliament | owls |
parliament | ptarmigans |
parliament | whores |
passel | brats |
passel | possums |
pavanne | matadors |
peal | bells |
peck | Frenchmen |
peel | vacationers |
pencil | lines |
persistence | parents |
phalanx | umbrellas |
pile | accidents |
pile | dung |
pile | dust |
pile | garbage |
piling | construction workers |
pint | Irishmen |
pithy | truths |
pity | prisoners |
pitying | turtledoves |
plague | locals |
plague | locusts |
plain | farmers |
plaint | oboists |
platitude | sophomores |
plenitude | freshmen |
pluck | firefighters |
plump | moorhens |
plump | waterfowl |
plump | wildfowl |
plunder | goons |
oranges | |
pod | dolphins |
pod | peas |
pod | whiting |
podium | orators |
poke | fencers |
ponder | philosophers |
portfolio | pictures |
portfolio | stockbrokers |
posse | police |
posse | posers |
posse | sheriffs |
postponement | trains |
pot | dieters |
pouf | hairdressers |
pound | carpenters |
pound | Englishmen |
pound | pianists |
poverty | pipers |
prance | equestrians |
pratfall | clowns |
preserve | jam |
prickle | hedgehogs |
prickle | porcupines |
pride | griffins |
pride | lions |
profit | gurus |
promise | bartenders |
promise | tapsters |
promise | tomorrows |
prowl | jaguars |
prowl | puma |
prudence | vicars |
pull | silk-screens |
pummel | masseurs |
pumphouse | egos |
punnet | strawberries |
purse | winnings |
quake | seismologists |
quicksand | credit cards |
quiver | arrows |
quiver | cobras |
quiver | rebuttals |
race | jockeys |
rack | gears |
raffle | turkeys |
raft | puffins |
raft | swimmers |
rag | colts |
rage | maidens |
rage | teeth |
rainbow | reasons |
range | hills |
range | mountains |
range | ovens |
rash | dermatologists |
rasp | lawnmowers |
realm | kingfishers |
ream | paper |
reflection | narcissists |
regiment | hypocrites |
rendering | architects |
retinue | ophthalmologists |
rhumba | rattlesnakes |
riches | matrons |
richess | martins |
richness | martens |
richness | minks |
riffraff | knaves |
ring | boxers |
ring | jewellers |
ring | keys |
risk | lobsters |
roll | armadillos |
roll | coins |
roll | drummers |
roll | gamblers |
rookery | albatrosses |
roost | fowl |
rope | onions |
round | drinks |
round | mailmen |
rout | schoolboys |
rout | snails |
row | oarsmen |
royalty | princesses |
run | poultry |
rush | pochard |
sack | quarterbacks |
salon | Poodles |
salvo | shells |
samba | shopping carts |
sample | salesmen |
saunter | cowboys |
scale | ichthyologists |
scam | con artists |
scandal | shoes |
schedule | activities |
scheme | swindlers |
school | butterfly fish |
school | clerks |
school | fish |
school | porpoises |
school | sharks |
school | whales |
scolding | seamstresses |
scoop | journalists |
scoop | reporters |
score | bachelors |
score | years |
scourge | mosquitoes |
scream | newsboys |
scurry | squirrels |
scuttle | crabs |
sea | troubles |
seat | ushers |
sedge | bitterns |
series | exams |
series | radiologists |
sesame | locksmiths |
set | bowls |
set | golf clubs |
set | numbers |
set | tools |
set | utensils |
sheaf | corn |
sheaf | wheat |
shield | icons |
shoal | mackerel |
shoal | pilchards |
shoal | shad |
shortage | dwarves |
shot | pediatricians |
shout | winners |
shower | bullets |
shower | meteorologists |
shrewdness | apes |
shudder | washing machines |
shuffle | bureaucrats |
shuttle | weavers |
siege | herons |
sign | cymbals |
skein | goslings |
skein | silk |
skitter | golf carts |
skulk | foxes |
skulk | friars |
slab | morticians |
slate | candidates |
slaver | gluttons |
sleuth | bears |
slew | exterminators |
slew | homework |
slouch | models |
slumber | sloths |
snap | photographers |
sneak | weasels |
soar | kites |
Sodom | shepherds |
sord | mallards |
soufflé | clouds |
sounder | hogs |
sounder | swine |
sounder | warthogs |
sounder | wild boars |
soupçon | chefs |
spill | busboys |
spite | prima donnas |
splash | puddles |
split | debtors |
splurge | sponsors |
sprawl | malls |
spread | nymphomaniacs |
spread | sticklebacks |
sprig | vegetarians |
spring | teals |
sprinkling | gardeners |
squadron | cavalry |
squash | sermons |
squeal | nieces |
squint | proofreaders |
stable | prostitutes |
stack | newspapers |
staff | employees |
staff | teachers |
stalk | foresters |
stampede | philatelists |
stand | flamingos |
state | princes |
steam | turds |
stench | skunks |
stench | zombies |
stock | portfolio managers |
store | gypsies |
storm | paratroopers |
streak | tigers |
stream | minnows |
string | beads |
string | jobs |
string | pearls |
string | ponies |
string | racehorses |
string | violinists |
stud | mares |
stud | poker players |
subtlety | designers |
subtlety | sergeants |
suffocation | aunts |
suite | furniture |
suite | rooms |
sum | adders |
superfluity | nuns |
superfluity | similes |
sute | bloodhounds |
swarm | bees |
swarm | earthquakes |
swarm | eels |
swarm | flies |
swarm | insects |
swarm | suitors |
sweetness | sopranos |
swelter | blankets |
swirl | paisleys |
syndicate | capitalists |
table | actuaries |
tantrum | decorators |
team | athletes |
team | footballers |
team | players |
team | workers |
tenet | palindromes |
tenure | professors |
terror | terriers |
thicket | idiots |
thought | barons |
thrall | bridegrooms |
threatening | courtiers |
thrill | brides |
thrill | fans |
tiding | magpies |
tilt | windmills |
tincture | pharmacists |
tissue | lies |
toil | peasants |
torment | trainers |
tough | lesbians |
trajectory | astronauts |
trance | lovers |
travesty | transvestites |
tray | dieticians |
tree | genealogists |
tribe | natives |
trip | dotterels |
trip | hippies |
troop | baboons |
troop | monkeys |
troop | mushrooms |
troup | shrimps |
troupe | acrobats |
troupe | artistes |
troupe | dancers |
troupe | performers |
trove | treasure |
truss | hay |
tumbler | gymnasts |
tumult | tuba players |
twaddle | public speakers |
twangle | harps |
tyranny | dictators |
unction | undertakers |
unemployment | graduates |
unkindness | ravens |
untruth | summoners |
uprising | mountaineers |
vane | directions |
veneer | newscasters |
vigilance | environmentalists |
village | gays |
virtue | patients |
vision | optometrists |
wad | bills |
wad | money |
wad | notes |
wail | sirens |
wake | buzzards |
wake | vultures |
wash | emotions |
watch | nightingales |
watch | Swiss |
wave | surfers |
wealth | documents |
wealth | information |
wealth | millionaires |
wheel | potters |
wheeze | joggers |
whiplash | potholes |
whisper | snipe |
whoop | chimpanzees |
wisdom | grandparents |
worm | robins |
worship | writers |
wunch | bankers |
yoke | pilots |
GK NXT - Great Knowledge for Genius Kids
An Ant Army: The Linguistic World of Aardvarks
The aardvark, a creature of nocturnal habits and ancient lineage, has long captured the imagination of naturalists and wordsmiths alike. This peculiar yet endearing animal, often referred to as the "earth pig" in its Afrikaans etymology, roams the savannas of Africa, diligently tunneling and feeding on termites. But beyond its biological intrigue lies a linguistic charm—the collective nouns and idioms that celebrate this unusual mammal. In this article, we delve into the delightful world of collective nouns for aardvarks, exploring related sayings, quotes, and expressions that illuminate their quiet magnificence.
Collective Nouns for Aardvarks: A Symphony of Words
While aardvarks are typically solitary creatures, collective nouns offer a playful lens through which to imagine them in groups. These terms, both invented and speculative, capture their essence with creativity and flair:
- A burrow of aardvarks: Highlighting their unparalleled digging skills.
- An excavation of aardvarks: Reflecting their relentless pursuit of termites beneath the soil.
- A nocturne of aardvarks: A poetic nod to their night-time activities.
Quotes About Aardvarks: Wisdom from the Wild
Writers, naturalists, and humorists have occasionally turned their attention to the aardvark, crafting memorable observations:
- "The aardvark’s path may be slow, but its persistence reshapes the earth." — Anonymous
- "To see an aardvark dig is to witness nature’s quiet genius at work." — Environmentalist Proverb
- "The aardvark reminds us that success lies not in speed, but in diligence." — Conservationist Adage
The Language of Aardvarks: Etymology and Beyond
The word "aardvark" originates from the Afrikaans language, combining "aard" (earth) and "vark" (pig), a fitting description of this burrowing mammal. Linguistically, the aardvark’s name has also become synonymous with its alphabetical prominence, often appearing first in encyclopedias and animal lists. Its unique traits have influenced expressions and metaphors, enriching the vocabulary of nature enthusiasts and storytellers alike.
A Tribute to the Tenacious Aardvark
The aardvark’s quiet existence in the African night belies its extraordinary resilience and ecological importance. Through collective nouns, idioms, and quotes, we celebrate not only its linguistic charm but also its role as a reminder of nature’s ingenuity. Whether imagined as "a burrow of aardvarks" or admired for its tireless digging, this remarkable creature inspires awe and respect, earning its place in the tapestry of language and life.
Q: What are some collective nouns for aardvarks?
A: Creative collective nouns include "a burrow of aardvarks," "an excavation of aardvarks," and "a nocturne of aardvarks," reflecting their digging habits and nocturnal nature.
Q: Are aardvarks social animals?
A: No, aardvarks are solitary by nature, but they inspire imaginative collective nouns in language.
Q: Why are aardvarks significant?
A: Aardvarks play a crucial role in their ecosystem by controlling termite populations and aerating the soil with their digging.