collective nouns for clothes

collective noun | usage | |
bundle | A bundle of clothes ('bundle' generally refers to a group of soiled or used clothes) | |
pile | A pile of clothes | |
basket | A basket of clothes | |
heap | A heap of clothes | |
closet | A closet of clothes | |
rack | A rack of clothes | |
suit | A suit of clothes | |
wardrobe | A wardrobe of clothes | |
outfit | An outfit of clothes | |
collective noun | subject |
abandonment | orphans |
abominable sight | monks |
absence | waiters |
accompaniment | condiments |
acne | adolescents |
advance | authors |
agenda | tasks |
album | photographs |
album | stamps |
amalgam | dentists |
amalgamation | metallurgists |
amble | walkers |
ambush | widows |
annoyance | neighbours |
anthology | poems |
anthology | prose |
archive | programmers |
argument | advocates |
argumentation | historians |
armada | newts |
armada | warships |
armoury | aardvarks |
army | ants |
army | caterpillars |
army | frogs |
army | soldiers |
aroma | bakers |
array | luminaries |
assembly | ministers |
assembly | toys |
assortment | yogurt |
asylum | managers |
atlas | maps |
attack | aliens (extraterrestrial) |
attitude | seniors |
attitude | teenagers |
audience | listeners |
audit | bookkeepers |
aurora | polar bears |
autumn | leaves |
axel | figure skaters |
babble | barbers |
babble | linguists |
babel | cellphones |
balance | accountants |
bale | cotton |
bale | turtles |
bale | wool |
band | coyotes |
band | gorillas |
band | jackdaws |
band | jays |
band | men |
band | mongooses |
band | musicians |
band | pirates |
band | robbers |
bank | circuits |
bank | monitors |
banner | knights |
baptism | fire |
bark | cynics |
barren | mules |
bask | crocodiles |
basket | fruits |
basket | plums |
basket | vegetables |
batch | bread |
batch | loaves |
battery | artillery |
battery | barracuda |
battery | guns |
battery | rams |
battery | tests |
bazaar | guillemots |
bed | clams |
bed | mussels |
bed | oysters |
bellowing | bullfinches |
belt | asteroids |
bench | bishops |
bench | judges |
bench | magistrates |
bend | willows |
bestiary | monsters |
bevy | beauties |
bevy | beautiful ladies |
bevy | doves |
bevy | dowagers |
bevy | ladies |
bevy | otters |
bevy | quail |
bevy | roe deer |
bevy | swans |
billow | smokers |
bind | salmon |
bite | midges |
blackening | shoemakers |
blanket | snow |
blast | hunters |
blaze | pyromaniacs |
blessing | unicorns |
bloat | hippopotamuses |
block | apartments |
block | flats |
blur | impressionists |
blush | boys |
blush | embarrassments |
board | chess players |
board | directors |
board | executives |
board | trustees |
boatload | aliens (noncitizens) |
body | pathologists |
boo | surprises |
book | matches |
book | Mormons |
book | wagers |
bouquet | florists |
bouquet | flowers |
bouquet | pheasants |
bouquet | roses |
bouquet | wine tasters |
bout | estimations |
bowl | ice cream |
bowl | keglers |
brace | orthodontists |
branle | diplomats |
bridge | admirals |
bridge | lyricists |
broadband | telecom workers |
bromide | greeting cards |
brood | chickens |
brood | hens |
brood | nestlings |
brow | scholars |
budget | letters |
buffoonery | orangutans |
building | rooks |
bunch | grapes |
bunch | things |
bundle | asparagus |
bundle | clothes |
bundle | nerves |
bundle | rags |
bunting | flags |
bury | conies |
bushel | apples |
business | ferrets |
buttonhole | lobbyists |
byte | computer operators |
cache | ammunition |
cache | arms |
cache | jewelery |
cache | weapons |
cadge | peregrines |
calendar | saints |
candle | tapirs |
caper | kids |
cast | actors |
cast | falcons |
cast | hawks |
cast | merlins |
cast | orthopaedists |
catalogue | librarians |
catch | anglers |
catch | collective nouns |
cavalcade | horsemen |
cete | badgers |
chain | bobolinks |
chain | events |
chain | islands |
chain | lynx |
chain | surveyors |
charge | curates |
charge | taxis |
charm | finches |
charm | goldfinches |
charm | hummingbirds |
charm | words |
chattering | choughs |
chattering | cockatoos |
chattering | coughs |
chest | drawers |
chime | ice cream carts |
chine | polecats |
choir | singers |
chorus | composers |
circle | friends |
clan | hyenas |
clan | meerkats |
clan | Scots |
clank | tanks |
class | students |
clew | worms |
clipping | geldings |
cloud | gnats |
cloud | grasshoppers |
clowder | cats |
clump | reeds |
clump | trees |
cluster | bombs |
cluster | churls |
cluster | computers |
cluster | diamonds |
cluster | knots |
cluster | spiders |
clutch | eggs |
clutch | families |
clutch | kleptomaniacs |
clutch | mechanics |
clutch | motorcyclists |
clutch | testicles |
clutch | wrestlers |
coalition | cheetahs |
cocktail | drugs |
coffle | slaves |
cog | robots |
collection | objects |
collective | nouns |
college | electors |
college | physicians |
colloid | chemists |
colony | avocets |
colony | bats |
colony | beavers |
colony | fungi |
colony | gulls |
colony | ibises |
colony | lepers |
colony | lice |
colony | microbiologists |
colony | pelicans |
colony | penguins |
colony | rabbits |
colony | termites |
colony | voles |
column | armoured cars |
comedy | errors |
commotion | coots |
company | archer fish |
company | archers |
company | fools |
company | moles |
company | parrots |
company | widgeon |
complex | psychoanalysts |
complex | psychologists |
compromise | mediators |
concatenation | orgiasts |
conclave | cardinals |
confederacy | dunces |
conflagration | fireflies |
congeries | wizards |
conglomerate | geologists |
congregation | alligators |
congregation | churchgoers |
congregation | plovers |
congregation | worshipers |
conjunction | grammarians |
consortium | octopuses |
consternation | mothers |
constituency | voters |
converting | preachers |
convocation | eagles |
convoy | trucks |
convoy | vehicles |
cord | wood |
cord | woodwinds |
cornucopia | slugs |
corps | anatomists |
cortege | mourners |
coterie | orchids |
coterie | prairie dogs |
council | members |
countryside | cousins |
couple | bottles |
couple | impalas |
coven | vampires |
coven | witches |
covey | grouse |
covey | partridges |
cowardice | curs |
crash | glaziers |
crash | rhinoceroses |
crash | software |
crèche | infantry |
credence | stewards |
creep | tortoises |
crew | sailors |
crowd | onlookers |
crowd | people |
crowd | redwing |
cruft | hackers |
crush | shoppers |
culture | bacteria |
curse | creditors |
cutting | cobblers |
damning | jurors |
dash | commuters |
dawn | morning glories |
deal | agents |
dearth | nurses |
deceit | lapwings |
deck | cards |
deck | playing cards |
decorum | deans |
deficit | economists |
delegation | ambassadors |
delicatessen | gourmands |
delicatessen | gourmets |
den | snakes |
descent | relatives |
descent | woodpeckers |
design | engineers |
desperation | divorcees |
destruction | wildcats |
dicker | hides |
diffidence | debutantes |
diligence | messengers |
disguising | tailors |
dish | gossips |
distraction | fathers |
doctrine | doctors |
dopping | sheldrakes |
down | hares |
draught | butlers |
drift | fishermen |
drift | icebergs |
drift | lecturers |
drove | bullocks |
drove | elves |
duplicity | spies |
durante | toucans |
eleven | cricketers |
elicat | gloves |
embarrassment | pandas |
embarrassment | riches |
ensemble | homosexuals |
entourage | attendants |
entrance | actresses |
equanimity | tranquilizers |
equivocation | politicians |
erudition | editors |
exaltation | larks |
example | masters |
expectation | heirs |
expectation | midwives |
explosion | Italians |
extinction | dodos |
exultation | fireworks |
eyesore | graffiti |
faculty | academics |
fagot | firewood |
fagot | sticks |
faith | merchants |
fall | lambs |
fall | woodcocks |
falling | dominoes |
family | sardines |
fellowship | yeomen |
festival | balloons |
fever | stingrays |
fidget | suspects |
field | runners |
fighting | beggars |
file | manicurists |
fistful | dollars |
fistful | grasses |
flash | paparazzi |
fleet | ambulances |
fleet | bass |
fleet | boats |
fleet | buses |
fleet | cars |
fleet | chartered planes |
fleet | coaches |
fleet | ducklings |
fleet | jets |
fleet | lorries |
fleet | mud hens |
fleet | ships |
fleet | vans |
fleet | vessels |
fleet | yachts |
flight | aeroplanes |
flight | aircraft |
flight | butterflies |
flight | cormorants |
flight | dragons |
flight | dunbirds |
flight | golf balls |
flight | goshawks |
flight | planes |
flight | refugees |
flight | stairs |
flight | steps |
flight | swallows |
flight | yesterdays |
fling | dunlins |
fling | oxbirds |
fling | sandpipers |
float | tuna |
flock | auks |
flock | birds |
flock | budgerigars |
flock | bustards |
flock | camels |
flock | ducks |
flock | geese |
flock | ostriches |
flock | pigeons |
flock | seagulls |
flock | swifts |
flock | tourists |
floe | ice |
floodlight | ideas |
flotilla | swordfish |
flourish | blossoms |
flourish | strumpets |
flourish | trumpets |
flush | plumbers |
flush | wing commanders |
fluther | jellyfish |
flutter | flutists |
fold | chairs |
following | stalkers |
foresight | housekeepers |
fortitude | graduate students |
freeze | northerners |
frenzy | cheerleaders |
frenzy | contestants |
fret | guitarists |
fright | ghosts |
gaggle | comedians |
gaggle | women |
galaxy | astronomers |
galaxy | governesses |
galaxy | starfish |
galaxy | starlets |
galaxy | stars |
gallimaufry | noises |
gamut | professions |
gang | bison |
gang | convicts |
gang | laborers |
gang | thieves |
gaze | raccoons |
giggle | girls |
glacier | freezers |
glean | herrings |
glint | goldfish |
glitter | generals |
glorifying | liars |
glut | commercials |
goring | butchers |
grandiosity | operas |
gratitude | juniors |
great deal | used car salesmen |
greed | attorneys |
grid | electricians |
grip | porters |
groan | puns |
gross | Germans |
group | guinea pigs |
grumble | Pugs |
gush | sycophants |
haggle | vendors |
hail | gunfire |
hailstorm | gunships |
hammer | auctioneers |
hand | bananas |
handful | gynaecologists |
handful | palm readers |
harem | concubines |
harem | courtesans |
hassle | errands |
hastiness | cooks |
head | curlews |
heap | ruins |
heap | sand |
heap | trash |
hedge | bushes |
helix | geneticists |
herd | alpacas |
herd | animals |
herd | antelopes |
herd | asses |
herd | boars |
herd | bucks |
herd | buffaloes |
herd | caribou |
herd | cattle |
herd | chamois |
herd | chinchillas |
herd | cows |
herd | cranes |
herd | deer |
herd | dinosaurs |
herd | donkeys |
herd | eland |
herd | elephants |
herd | elk |
herd | fairies |
herd | giraffes |
herd | gnus |
herd | goats |
herd | harlots |
herd | harts |
herd | horses |
herd | ibex |
herd | llamas |
herd | moose |
herd | otologists |
herd | oxen |
herd | pigs |
herd | reindeer |
herd | Sea horses |
herd | seals |
herd | sheep |
herd | walruses |
herd | wildebeest |
herd | wrens |
herd | yaks |
herd | zebras |
hill | beans |
hill | ruffs |
hoard | gold |
horde | gerbils |
horde | hamsters |
horde | misers |
horde | savages |
host | angels |
host | sparrows |
hotbed | quilts |
house | senators |
hover | helicopters |
hover | kestrels |
hover | trout |
huddle | houses |
huddle | lawyers |
hug | teddy bears |
iamb | poets |
illusion | magicians |
illusion | painters |
immersion | baptists |
impatience | wives |
imposition | in-laws |
impression | mockingbirds |
incision | surgeons |
incredibility | cuckolds |
ingratitude | children |
intrusion | cockroaches |
jam | tarts |
jangle | hangers |
joint | osteopaths |
kettle | drums |
kindle | kittens |
kindle | leverets |
kneeling | parishioners |
knob | pintails |
knot | astrologers |
knot | toads |
labyrinth | magazines |
laches | landlords |
lack | principals |
lap | cod |
laughter | hostlers |
league | nations |
leap | leopards |
leaping | lords |
leash | greyhounds |
legion | devils |
library | books |
lie | golfers |
line | kings |
litany | lutists |
litter | cubs |
litter | piglets |
litter | puppies |
litter | whelps |
load | diapers |
load | dirty clothes |
load | drunks |
lock | hair |
lot | parking attendants |
lot | realtors |
lot | salt |
lounge | lizards |
loveliness | ladybirds |
luck | dice |
lump | oncologists |
lying | pardoners |
malapertness | peddlers |
march | museums |
mass | Catholics |
mass | priests |
maze | canyons |
meaning | dictionaries |
meeting | Quakers |
megabyte | computer programmers |
melee | rioters |
melody | harpists |
ménage | mongrels |
mess | grits |
mess | iguanas |
mess | officers |
mess | pottage |
meter | percussionists |
mint | candies |
mob | emus |
mob | gangsters |
mob | kangaroos |
mob | Texans |
mob | wallabies |
mob | wombats |
month | sundays |
mountain | debt |
movement | gastroenterologists |
multiplication | loafers |
multiplying | husbands |
murder | crows |
murmuration | starlings |
muscle | marines |
museum | art |
muster | peacocks |
muster | storks |
mutation | thrushes |
mutter | mothers-in-law |
nest | hornets |
nest | machine guns |
nest | mice |
nest | vipers |
nest | wasps |
network | administrators |
neverthriving | jugglers |
nucleus | physicists |
number | mathematicians |
number | questions |
number | statisticians |
nursery | plants |
obeisance | servants |
observance | hermits |
odyssey | luggage |
ogle | office boys |
omitting | censors |
ooze | amoebas |
opera | canaries |
optimism | youths |
orbit | satellites |
orchard | apple trees |
orchard | fruittrees |
orchestra | crickets |
orgy | swingers |
outback | Aussies |
overcharge | repairmen |
pack | dogs |
pack | hounds |
pack | juice |
pack | perch |
pack | rats |
pack | stoats |
pack | submarines |
pack | suitcases |
pack | wolves |
packet | lollies |
pair | lovebirds |
pallor | night watchmen |
pan | critics |
pan | reviewers |
panel | experts |
panel | umpires |
panic | producers |
pantheon | gods |
pantry | food |
parcel | hinds |
parcel | postal workers |
parel | troops |
parenthesis | cellists |
parley | instruments |
parliament | owls |
parliament | ptarmigans |
parliament | whores |
passel | brats |
passel | possums |
pavanne | matadors |
peal | bells |
peck | Frenchmen |
peel | vacationers |
pencil | lines |
persistence | parents |
phalanx | umbrellas |
pile | accidents |
pile | dung |
pile | dust |
pile | garbage |
piling | construction workers |
pint | Irishmen |
pithy | truths |
pity | prisoners |
pitying | turtledoves |
plague | locals |
plague | locusts |
plain | farmers |
plaint | oboists |
platitude | sophomores |
plenitude | freshmen |
pluck | firefighters |
plump | moorhens |
plump | waterfowl |
plump | wildfowl |
plunder | goons |
oranges | |
pod | dolphins |
pod | peas |
pod | whiting |
podium | orators |
poke | fencers |
ponder | philosophers |
portfolio | pictures |
portfolio | stockbrokers |
posse | police |
posse | posers |
posse | sheriffs |
postponement | trains |
pot | dieters |
pouf | hairdressers |
pound | carpenters |
pound | Englishmen |
pound | pianists |
poverty | pipers |
prance | equestrians |
pratfall | clowns |
preserve | jam |
prickle | hedgehogs |
prickle | porcupines |
pride | griffins |
pride | lions |
profit | gurus |
promise | bartenders |
promise | tapsters |
promise | tomorrows |
prowl | jaguars |
prowl | puma |
prudence | vicars |
pull | silk-screens |
pummel | masseurs |
pumphouse | egos |
punnet | strawberries |
purse | winnings |
quake | seismologists |
quicksand | credit cards |
quiver | arrows |
quiver | cobras |
quiver | rebuttals |
race | jockeys |
rack | gears |
raffle | turkeys |
raft | puffins |
raft | swimmers |
rag | colts |
rage | maidens |
rage | teeth |
rainbow | reasons |
range | hills |
range | mountains |
range | ovens |
rash | dermatologists |
rasp | lawnmowers |
realm | kingfishers |
ream | paper |
reflection | narcissists |
regiment | hypocrites |
rendering | architects |
retinue | ophthalmologists |
rhumba | rattlesnakes |
riches | matrons |
richess | martins |
richness | martens |
richness | minks |
riffraff | knaves |
ring | boxers |
ring | jewellers |
ring | keys |
risk | lobsters |
roll | armadillos |
roll | coins |
roll | drummers |
roll | gamblers |
rookery | albatrosses |
roost | fowl |
rope | onions |
round | drinks |
round | mailmen |
rout | schoolboys |
rout | snails |
row | oarsmen |
royalty | princesses |
run | poultry |
rush | pochard |
sack | quarterbacks |
salon | Poodles |
salvo | shells |
samba | shopping carts |
sample | salesmen |
saunter | cowboys |
scale | ichthyologists |
scam | con artists |
scandal | shoes |
schedule | activities |
scheme | swindlers |
school | butterfly fish |
school | clerks |
school | fish |
school | porpoises |
school | sharks |
school | whales |
scolding | seamstresses |
scoop | journalists |
scoop | reporters |
score | bachelors |
score | years |
scourge | mosquitoes |
scream | newsboys |
scurry | squirrels |
scuttle | crabs |
sea | troubles |
seat | ushers |
sedge | bitterns |
series | exams |
series | radiologists |
sesame | locksmiths |
set | bowls |
set | golf clubs |
set | numbers |
set | tools |
set | utensils |
sheaf | corn |
sheaf | wheat |
shield | icons |
shoal | mackerel |
shoal | pilchards |
shoal | shad |
shortage | dwarves |
shot | pediatricians |
shout | winners |
shower | bullets |
shower | meteorologists |
shrewdness | apes |
shudder | washing machines |
shuffle | bureaucrats |
shuttle | weavers |
siege | herons |
sign | cymbals |
skein | goslings |
skein | silk |
skitter | golf carts |
skulk | foxes |
skulk | friars |
slab | morticians |
slate | candidates |
slaver | gluttons |
sleuth | bears |
slew | exterminators |
slew | homework |
slouch | models |
slumber | sloths |
snap | photographers |
sneak | weasels |
soar | kites |
Sodom | shepherds |
sord | mallards |
soufflé | clouds |
sounder | hogs |
sounder | swine |
sounder | warthogs |
sounder | wild boars |
soupçon | chefs |
spill | busboys |
spite | prima donnas |
splash | puddles |
split | debtors |
splurge | sponsors |
sprawl | malls |
spread | nymphomaniacs |
spread | sticklebacks |
sprig | vegetarians |
spring | teals |
sprinkling | gardeners |
squadron | cavalry |
squash | sermons |
squeal | nieces |
squint | proofreaders |
stable | prostitutes |
stack | newspapers |
staff | employees |
staff | teachers |
stalk | foresters |
stampede | philatelists |
stand | flamingos |
state | princes |
steam | turds |
stench | skunks |
stench | zombies |
stock | portfolio managers |
store | gypsies |
storm | paratroopers |
streak | tigers |
stream | minnows |
string | beads |
string | jobs |
string | pearls |
string | ponies |
string | racehorses |
string | violinists |
stud | mares |
stud | poker players |
subtlety | designers |
subtlety | sergeants |
suffocation | aunts |
suite | furniture |
suite | rooms |
sum | adders |
superfluity | nuns |
superfluity | similes |
sute | bloodhounds |
swarm | bees |
swarm | earthquakes |
swarm | eels |
swarm | flies |
swarm | insects |
swarm | suitors |
sweetness | sopranos |
swelter | blankets |
swirl | paisleys |
syndicate | capitalists |
table | actuaries |
tantrum | decorators |
team | athletes |
team | footballers |
team | players |
team | workers |
tenet | palindromes |
tenure | professors |
terror | terriers |
thicket | idiots |
thought | barons |
thrall | bridegrooms |
threatening | courtiers |
thrill | brides |
thrill | fans |
tiding | magpies |
tilt | windmills |
tincture | pharmacists |
tissue | lies |
toil | peasants |
torment | trainers |
tough | lesbians |
trajectory | astronauts |
trance | lovers |
travesty | transvestites |
tray | dieticians |
tree | genealogists |
tribe | natives |
trip | dotterels |
trip | hippies |
troop | baboons |
troop | monkeys |
troop | mushrooms |
troup | shrimps |
troupe | acrobats |
troupe | artistes |
troupe | dancers |
troupe | performers |
trove | treasure |
truss | hay |
tumbler | gymnasts |
tumult | tuba players |
twaddle | public speakers |
twangle | harps |
tyranny | dictators |
unction | undertakers |
unemployment | graduates |
unkindness | ravens |
untruth | summoners |
uprising | mountaineers |
vane | directions |
veneer | newscasters |
vigilance | environmentalists |
village | gays |
virtue | patients |
vision | optometrists |
wad | bills |
wad | money |
wad | notes |
wail | sirens |
wake | buzzards |
wake | vultures |
wash | emotions |
watch | nightingales |
watch | Swiss |
wave | surfers |
wealth | documents |
wealth | information |
wealth | millionaires |
wheel | potters |
wheeze | joggers |
whiplash | potholes |
whisper | snipe |
whoop | chimpanzees |
wisdom | grandparents |
worm | robins |
worship | writers |
wunch | bankers |
yoke | pilots |
GK NXT - Great Knowledge for Genius Kids
A Closet Full of Words: The Poetry of Collective Nouns for Clothes
Clothes are far more than fabric and thread; they are the silent storytellers of human history, a tapestry of identity, culture, and self-expression. Among the folds of fashion lies a linguistic wonder—the collective nouns for clothes. These phrases, rich in imagery and tradition, capture the essence of garments as ensembles, evoking scenes of elegance, utility, and art. This guide ventures into the mesmerizing world of collective nouns for clothes, exploring idioms, sayings, and quotes that weave a narrative as rich as the garments themselves.
Stitching the Past: The History of Collective Nouns for Clothes
The roots of collective nouns for clothes trace back to the opulent courts of medieval Europe, where fashion was both an art and a declaration of power. Phrases like "a wardrobe of robes" and "a suit of armor" emerged, reflecting the significance of attire in signaling status and purpose. Over time, these terms transcended their utilitarian origins to become poetic expressions, enriched by the diverse traditions of cultures worldwide. Today, they remind us of the enduring relationship between language and sartorial elegance.
Fashioned in Words: Examples of Collective Nouns for Clothes
The vocabulary of clothes is adorned with collective nouns that inspire vivid imagery. Here are some delightful examples:
- A wardrobe of dresses: Evoking visions of style and elegance, this term celebrates a curated collection of garments.
- A rack of coats: A practical yet evocative phrase, conjuring the sight of warmth and utility hung with care.
- A bundle of rags: Rich with narrative potential, it speaks to simplicity or a tale of transformation.
- A string of pearls: While primarily a jewelry term, its metaphorical usage extends to accessories that complement attire.
The Poetry of Fashion: Quotes About Clothes
The world of fashion has inspired countless reflections on its deeper meanings. Here are some memorable quotes:
- "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." — Mark Twain
- "Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." — Rachel Zoe
- "Elegance is not standing out, but being remembered." — Giorgio Armani
- "Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life." — Bill Cunningham
The Language of Fabric: Linguistic Reflections
Language and fashion are woven together inextricably, each influencing the other across centuries. Words like "ensemble," "couture," and "bespoke" illustrate how clothing vocabulary has been enriched by global cultures. Similarly, the metaphorical use of attire—"wearing many hats," for instance—underscores its role in capturing human experiences.
Threads of Meaning: A Tribute to Clothes in Language
The collective nouns for clothes, alongside idioms, sayings, and quotes, form a linguistic wardrobe brimming with stories and style. These words celebrate not only the garments we wear but also the narratives they embody. As we continue to dress our thoughts in the finery of language, let us remember the timeless connection between what we wear and who we are.
Q: What are collective nouns for clothes?
A: Collective nouns for clothes are terms that describe groups or collections of garments, such as "a wardrobe of robes" or "a bundle of rags."
Q: Are there idioms related to clothes?
A: Yes! Idioms like "cut from the same cloth" and "wearing one’s heart on one’s sleeve" illustrate how clothing has shaped language.
Q: Can I create my own collective nouns for clothes?
A: Absolutely! Language evolves, and creative expressions enrich the way we communicate about fashion and identity.