collective noun for ducks: flock

Collective noun for ducks: flock
A group of ducks is called a flock.
The collective noun for ducks is flock.
Bunch, paddling, plump, team, flight, skein, raft, dopping, waddling, string, flush, brace, badelynge, safe, and sitting are the other collective nouns for ducks.
Collective nouns for ducks with usage
flockA flock of ducks
bunchA bunch of ducks
safe A safe of ducks
('safe' generally refers to a group of ducks on the ground)
plumpA plump of ducks
('plump' generally refers to a group of ducks flying together)
teamA team of ducks
('team' generally refers to a group of ducks flying together)
flightA flight of ducks
('flight' generally refers to a group of ducks flying together)
skeinA skein of ducks
('skein' generally refers to a group of ducks flying together)
paddlingA paddling of ducks
('paddling' generally refers to a group of ducks swimming together)
raftA raft of ducks
('raft' generally refers to a group of ducks idling on water)
doppingA dopping of ducks
('dopping' generally refers to a group of ducks diving together)
badelyngeA badelynge of ducks
('badelynge' generally refers to a group of ducks on the ground)
flushA flush of ducks
('flush' generally refers to a group of brooding ducks)
braceA brace of ducks
('brace' generally refers to a pair of ducks)
waddlingA waddling of ducks
('waddling' generally refers to a group of ducks walking together)
stringA string of ducks
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Last Updated: February 12, 2025