collective nouns for things


Collective noun for things: bunch
A group of things is called a bunch.
The collective noun for things is bunch.
Cluster, and group are the other collective nouns for things.
Collective nouns for things with examples
Subject Collective Noun Example
thingsbunchA bunch of things
thingsgroupA group of things
thingsclusterA cluster of things

Collective nouns for things

Subject Collective Noun Usage Example
accidentspileA pile of accidents
activitiesscheduleA schedule of activities
aeroplanesflightA flight of aeroplanes
aircraftflightA flight of aircraft
ambulancesfleetA fleet of ambulances
ammunitioncacheA cache of ammunition
amoebasoozeAn ooze of amoebas
apartmentsblockA block of apartments
applesbushelA bushel of apples
apple treesorchardAn orchard of apple trees
armoured carscolumnA column of armoured cars
armscacheA cache of arms
arrowsquiverA quiver of arrows
artmuseumA museum of art
artillerybatteryA battery of artillery
asparagusbundleA bundle of asparagus
asteroidsbeltA belt of asteroids
bacteriacultureA culture of bacteria
balloonsfestivalA festival of balloons
bananashandA hand of bananas
beadsstringA string of beads
beanshillA hill of beans
bellspealA peal of bells
billswadA wad of bills
blanketsswelterA swelter of blankets
blossomsflourishA flourish of blossoms
boatsfleetA fleet of boats
bombsclusterA cluster of bombs
bookslibraryA library of books
bottlescoupleA couple of bottles
bowlssetA set of bowls
breadbatchA batch of bread
bulletsshowerA shower of bullets
busesfleetA fleet of buses
busheshedgeA hedge of bushes
candiesmintA mint of candies
canyonsmazeA maze of canyons
cardsdeckA deck of cards
carsfleetA fleet of cars
cellphonesbabelA babel of cellphones
chairsfoldA fold of chairs
chartered planesfleetA fleet of chartered planes
circuitsbankA bank of circuits
clothesbundleA bundle of clothes
cloudssouffléA soufflé of clouds
coachesfleetA fleet of coaches
coconutsclusterA cluster of coconuts
coinsrollA roll of coins
collective nounscatchA catch of collective nouns
commercialsglutA glut of commercials
computersclusterA cluster of computers
condimentsaccompanimentAn accompaniment of condiments
cornsheafA sheaf of corn
cottonbaleA bale of cotton
coughschatteringA chattering of coughs
credit cardsquicksandA quicksand of credit cards
cymbalssignA sign of cymbals
debtmountainA mountain of debt
diamondsclusterA cluster of diamonds
diapersloadA load of diapers
diceluckA luck of dice
dictionariesmeaningA meaning of dictionaries
directionsvaneA vane of directions
dirty clothesloadA load of dirty clothes
documentswealthA wealth of documents
dollarsfistfulA fistful of dollars
dominoesfallingA falling of dominoes
drawerschestA chest of drawers
drinksroundA round of drinks
drugscocktailA cocktail of drugs
drumskettleA kettle of drums
dungpileA pile of dung
dustpileA pile of dust
earthquakesswarmA swarm of earthquakes
eggsclutchA clutch of eggs
egospumphouseA pumphouse of egos
embarrassmentsblushA blush of embarrassments
emotionswashA wash of emotions
errandshassleA hassle of errands
errorscomedyA comedy of errors
estimationsboutA bout of estimations
eventschainA chain of events
examsseriesA series of exams
firebaptismA baptism of fire
firewoodfagotA fagot of firewood
fireworksexultationAn exultation of fireworks
flagsbuntingA bunting of flags
flatsblockA block of flats
flowersbouquetA bouquet of flowers
foodpantryA pantry of food
freezersglacierA glacier of freezers
fruitsbasketA basket of fruits
fruittreesorchardAn orchard of fruittrees
fungicolonyA colony of fungi
furnituresuiteA suite of furniture
garbagepileA pile of garbage
gearsrackA rack of gears
gloveselicatAn elicat of gloves
goldhoardA hoard of gold
golf ballsflightA flight of golf balls
golf cartsskitterA skitter of golf carts
golf clubssetA set of golf clubs
gossipsdishA dish of gossips
graffitieyesoreAn eyesore of graffiti
grapesbunchA bunch of grapes
grasstuftA tuft of grass
grassesfistfulA fistful of grasses
greeting cardsbromideA bromide of greeting cards
gunfirehailA hail of gunfire
gunsbatteryA battery of guns
gunshipshailstormA hailstorm of gunships
hairlockA lock of hair
hangersjangleA jangle of hangers
harpstwangleA twangle of harps
haytrussA truss of hay
helicoptershoverA hover of helicopters
hidesdickerA dicker of hides
hillsrangeA range of hills
homeworkslewA slew of homework
houseshuddleA huddle of houses
icefloeA floe of ice
icebergsdriftA drift of icebergs
ice creambowlA bowl of ice cream
ice cream cartschimeA chime of ice cream carts
iconsshieldA shield of icons
ideasfloodlightA floodlight of ideas
informationwealthA wealth of information
instrumentsparleyA parley of instruments
islandschainA chain of islands
jampreserveA preserve of jam
jetsfleetA fleet of jets
jewelerycacheA cache of jewelery
jobsstringA string of jobs
juicepackA pack of juice
keysringA ring of keys
knotsclusterA cluster of knots
lawnmowersraspA rasp of lawnmowers
leavesautumnAn autumn of leaves
lettersbudgetA budget of letters
liestissueA tissue of lies
linespencilA pencil of lines
loavesbatchA batch of loaves
lorriesfleetA fleet of lorries
luggageodysseyAn odyssey of luggage
machine gunsnestA nest of machine guns
magazineslabyrinthA labyrinth of magazines
mallssprawlA sprawl of malls
mapsatlasAn atlas of maps
matchesbookA book of matches
melonsbouquetA bouquet of melons
moneywadA wad of money
mountainsrangeA range of mountains
museumsmarchA march of museums
mushroomstroopA troop of mushrooms
nationsleagueA league of nations
nervesbundleA bundle of nerves
newspapersstackA stack of newspapers
noteswadA wad of notes
nounscollectiveA collective of nouns
noisesgallimaufryA gallimaufry of noises
numberssetA set of numbers
objectscollectionA collection of objects
onionsropeA rope of onions
operasgrandiosityA grandiosity of operas
orangespocketA pocket of oranges
ovensrangeA range of ovens
paperreamA ream of paper
pearlsstringA string of pearls
peaspodA pod of peas
photographsalbumAn album of photographs
picturesportfolioA portfolio of pictures
planesflightA flight of planes
playing cardsdeckA deck of playing cards
plumsbasketA basket of plums
poemsanthologyAn anthology of poems
questionsnumberA number of questions
quiltshotbedA hotbed of quilts
roomssuiteA suite of rooms
rosesbouquetA bouquet of roses
ruinsheapA heap of ruins
saltlotA lot of salt
sandheapA heap of sand
satellitesorbitAn orbit of satellites
shellssalvoA salvo of shells
shipsfleetA fleet of ships
snowblanketA blanket of snow
stairsflightA flight of stairs
stampsalbumAn album of stamps
starsgalaxyA galaxy of stars
sticksfagotA fagot of sticks
submarinespackA pack of submarines
suitcasespackA pack of suitcases
sundaysmonthA month of sundays
tanksclankA clank of tanks
testsbatteryA battery of tests
thingsbunchA bunch of things
tomatoesclutchA clutch of tomatoes
toolssetA set of tools
toysassemblyAn assembly of toys
trainspostponementA postponement of trains
trashheapA heap of trash
treesclumpA clump of trees
trucksconvoyA convoy of trucks
umbrellasphalanxA phalanx of umbrellas
utensilssetA set of utensils
vansfleetA fleet of vans
vegetablesbasketA basket of vegetables
vehiclesconvoyA convoy of vehicles
weaponscacheA cache of weapons
wheatsheafA sheaf of wheat
windmillstiltA tilt of windmills
woodcordA cord of wood
woolbaleA bale of wool
wordscharmA charm of words
yachtsfleetA fleet of yachts
yogurtassortmentAn assortment of yogurt
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Last Updated: February 12, 2025