Greek Gods and their Roman equivalents

Greek God
Roman God
King of GodsZeusJupiter
Queen of Gods, Goddess of MarriageHeraJuno
Goddess of Love & BeautyAphroditeVenus
God of Love & DesireErosCupid
God of SeaPoseidonNeptune
God of WarAresMars
God of UnderworldHades (Pluto)Pluto
God of WineDionysus (Bacchus)Bacchus
Goddess of AgricultureDemeterCeres
God of Trade & Commerce, Messenger of the godsHermesMercury
Goddess of Wisdom, Warfare, HandicraftAthenaMinerva
Goddess of the Hunt, Wilderness, Wild animals, Nature, Childbirth, ChastityArtemisDiana
God of Archery, Medicine & Healing, Music & Poetry, Prophecy & Oracles, Sun & LightApolloApollo
Goddess of Hearth & HomeHestiaVesta
God of Fire & ForgeHephaestusVesta
God of Wild & WoodlandsPanFaunus
God of SunHeliosSol
Goddess of MoonSeleneLuna
Greek Gods Hindu Gods Roman Gods

Gods and Goddesses

Adad Babylonian and Assyrian god of weather, oracles, and divination
Aeolus Greek god of winds
Agni Hindu god of fire
Ahura Mazda Zoroastrian Creator god, god of wisdom
Amaterasu Shinto Sun goddess
Amon (Amun) Egyptian King of gods, later associated with Ra
Anat (Anath) Semitic goddess of love, war, and fertility
Anu Mesopotamian god of sky
Anubis Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife
Aphrodite Greek goddess of love, beauty, and fertility
Apollo Greek and Roman god of archery, healing, music, prophecy, and the sun
Ares Greek god of war
Artemis Greek goddess of the hunt, wilderness, childbirth, and chastity
Asclepius Greek god of medicine and healing
Astarte Phoenician goddess of fertility, love, and war
Atargatis Syrian goddess of fertility and water, precursor to mermaid myths
Athena Greek goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts
Aten (Aton) Egyptian Sun god, central to Akhenaten's monotheistic reform
Attis Phrygian god of vegetation and rebirth
Aurora Roman goddess of dawn
Baal Canaanite god of fertility, storms, and agriculture
Bastet Egyptian goddess of protection, home, and cats
Bel Akkadian god of agriculture and order, associated with Marduk
Belit Akkadian goddess of destiny and consort of Bel
Bes Egyptian god of childbirth, fertility, and protection against evil spirits
Brahma Hindu Creator god and one of the Trimurti
Brigid (Brigit) Celtic goddess of poetry, crafts, healing, and divination
Caishen Chinese god of wealth and prosperity
Ceres Roman goddess of agriculture, fertility, and motherly relationships
Cizin Mayan god of earthquakes, death, and the underworld
Cupid Roman god of love, desire, attraction, and affection; equivalent to Greek Eros
Cybele Anatolian goddess of motherhood, nature, fertility, and agriculture; known as Magna Mater in Rome
Dagan Mesopotamian god of bounty, fertility, and vegetation; sometimes associated with grain
Damu Mesopotamian god of vegetation, healing, and medicine
Demeter Greek goddess of agriculture, harvest, and fertility
Diana Roman goddess of nature, animals, the hunt, and the moon
Dievs Baltic god of the sky, order, and justice
Dionysus Greek god of wine, ecstasy, vegetation, fruitfulness, and theater
Don Welsh goddess of the starry heavens, moon, ocean, and air; matron of the Children of Don
Dumuzi-Abzu Mesopotamian god of fertility, associated with shepherds and seasonal cycles
Durga Hindu goddess of protection, motherhood, war, and destruction of evil
Ea Mesopotamian god of wisdom, water, magic, and creation; also known as Enki in Sumerian mythology
Eileithyia Greek goddess of childbirth and midwifery
El Canaanite supreme god and father of the gods
Enki Sumerian god of water, wisdom, crafts, magic, and creation; later known as Ea
Epona Celtic goddess of horses, fertility, and protector of cavalry
Ereshkigal Mesopotamian goddess of the underworld and queen of the dead
Eros Greek god of love, passion, and fertility; Roman equivalent is Cupid
Faunus Roman god of forests, fields, and fertility; protector of agriculture
Febris Roman goddess who protected against fevers and malaria
Fenrir Norse giant wolf associated with chaos and destined to kill Odin during Ragnarok
Fides Roman goddess of trust, loyalty, and good faith
Flora Roman goddess of flowers, spring, and fertility
Forseti Norse god of justice, fairness, and mediation
Fortuna Roman goddess of fortune, luck, and destiny
Freyr Norse god of fertility, prosperity, and fair weather
Freyja Norse goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, and death
Frigg Norse goddess of marriage, motherhood, and prophecy; wife of Odin
Gaia Greek primordial goddess of the Earth and mother of all life
Ganesh (Ganesha) Hindu god of wisdom, prosperity, and remover of obstacles
Garuda Hindu bird deity and mount of Vishnu, symbolizing speed and strength
Geb Egyptian god of the Earth and father of snakes
Gefjun Norse goddess of fertility and plowing, associated with land creation
Ghatotkacha Hindu demi-god, son of Bhima, known for his immense strength and loyalty
Giltinė Baltic goddess of death, often depicted with a long tongue
Grannus Celtic god of healing and thermal springs
Gullveig Norse goddess associated with magic, wealth, and the Aesir-Vanir war
Guanyin Chinese goddess of mercy, compassion, and kindness
Hades Greek god of the underworld and the dead
Hanuman Hindu monkey god of strength, devotion, and courage
Hathor Egyptian goddess of love, beauty, music, motherhood, and fertility
Heimdall Norse god of guardianship, watchfulness, and the Bifröst bridge
Hephaestus Greek god of fire, metalworking, and craftsmanship
Hera Greek queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and childbirth
Hermes Greek god of trade, travelers, communication, and thieves
Hestia Greek goddess of the hearth, home, and family
Hodr Norse god of winter and darkness, associated with the death of Baldr
Horus Egyptian god of the sky, kingship, and protection
Huītzilōpōchtli Aztec god of war, the sun, and human sacrifice
Hypnos Greek god of sleep
Hygeia Greek goddess of health, cleanliness, and hygiene
Idun (Idunn) Norse goddess of youth and keeper of the golden apples of immortality
Ikatere Polynesian god of the sea, father of sea creatures
Inari Japanese kami of fertility, rice, agriculture, foxes, and prosperity
Indra Hindu king of the gods, god of rain, storms, and warfare
Inanna Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility; later associated with Ishtar
Inti Incan god of the sun and patron deity of the Incan empire
Iris Greek goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods
Ishtar Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, fertility, and sexuality
Ix Chel Mayan goddess of the moon, fertility, and medicine
Ixtlilton Aztec god of healing, feasting, and celebrations
Janus Roman god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, and duality
Jarilo Slavic god of fertility, spring, and vegetation
Jatayu Hindu divine bird and protector, known for his role in the Ramayana
Juno Roman queen of the gods, goddess of marriage, childbirth, and women
Jörmungandr Norse world serpent, associated with chaos and destined to battle Thor at Ragnarok
Juventas Roman goddess of youth and rejuvenation
Jehovah Christian name for the God of Israel in English translations of the Bible
Jok African deity in East African mythology, associated with spirits and fertility
Jizo Japanese Bodhisattva and protector of travelers, children, and the dead
Jenglot Indonesian mystical being considered a protector spirit
Kali Hindu goddess of destruction, time, and transformation
Kama Hindu god of love, desire, and attraction
Kanaloa Hawaiian god of the ocean and underworld
Kannon Japanese Bodhisattva of mercy and compassion; equivalent to Guanyin in China
Khepri Egyptian god of the rising sun, creation, and rebirth
Kibuka Ugandan god of war in the mythology of the Buganda people
Ki Sumerian goddess of the Earth and mother of gods
Kitsune Japanese fox spirit associated with intelligence, magic, and shapeshifting
Krishna Hindu god of love, compassion, and dharma; an avatar of Vishnu
Kukulkan Mayan feathered serpent god of wind, rain, and learning
Kuan Yin Chinese goddess of mercy, compassion, and kindness; variant of Guanyin
Kwoth Supreme god of the Nuer people in Sudan, associated with creation and morality
Lakshmi Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity
Leto Greek goddess of motherhood and protector of the young, mother of Apollo and Artemis
Lugh Celtic god of light, skill, and craftsmanship
Loki Norse trickster god of mischief, fire, and shapeshifting
Luna Roman goddess of the moon
Lu Dongbin Chinese Taoist immortal and god of scholars, associated with wisdom and alchemy
Lilith Mesopotamian demon goddess associated with the night, wind, and infertility
Liber Roman god of wine, fertility, and freedom
Laima Baltic goddess of fate, childbirth, and luck
Lugh Lámhfhada Celtic god of all crafts and arts, known for his long arm and versatility
Lono Hawaiian god of agriculture, fertility, and peace
Lyssa Greek goddess of rage and frenzy
Lamashtu Mesopotamian demon goddess of childbirth and infant mortality
Maat Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, and cosmic order
Mars Roman god of war, agriculture, and protector of Rome
Minerva Roman goddess of wisdom, strategy, and the arts
Mithra Persian god of covenants, friendship, and the sun
Manannan mac Lir Celtic god of the sea, weather, and navigation
Morrigan Celtic goddess of fate, war, and death
Maui Polynesian demigod known for his trickery, fishing up islands, and slowing the sun
Maia Greek goddess of growth and spring, mother of Hermes
Mat Zemlya Slavic goddess of the Earth and fertility
Marduk Babylonian king of the gods, associated with creation and order
Mictlāntēcutli Aztec god of the underworld and the dead
Morana Slavic goddess of winter, death, and rebirth
Mbaba Mwana Waresa African Zulu goddess of fertility, rain, and agriculture
Mahuika Polynesian goddess of fire
Makemake Rapa Nui god of fertility, creation, and humanity
Nanabozho Algonquin trickster god and cultural hero, associated with creation and storytelling
Nanna (Sin) Mesopotamian god of the moon and wisdom
Nanshe Sumerian goddess of social justice, divination, and dreams
Neith Egyptian goddess of war, hunting, and weaving
Nemesis Greek goddess of retribution, balance, and vengeance
Nephthys Egyptian goddess of protection, mourning, and the afterlife
Nergal Mesopotamian god of war, plague, and the underworld
Nereus Greek primordial sea god, known as the Old Man of the Sea
Ninurta Mesopotamian god of agriculture, war, and healing
Njord Norse god of the sea, wind, and wealth
Nut Egyptian goddess of the sky and mother of the gods
Nyx Greek primordial goddess of the night
Ninkasi Sumerian goddess of beer and brewing
Nodens Celtic god of healing, hunting, and the sea
Nanook Inuit god of polar bears and hunting
Namazu Japanese catfish god responsible for earthquakes
Odin Norse chief god of wisdom, war, poetry, and death
Ogma Celtic god of eloquence, writing, and learning
Ometeotl Aztec dual god of creation, representing both male and female aspects
Osiris Egyptian god of the afterlife, resurrection, and fertility
Oshun Yoruba goddess of love, fertility, and rivers
Oya Yoruba goddess of winds, storms, and transformation
Orion Greek hunter and mythical figure associated with the constellation
Omoikane Japanese Shinto god of wisdom and thoughtful planning
Oceanus Greek primordial god of the ocean and freshwater streams
Olokun Yoruba god of the deep sea, wealth, and prosperity
Oni Japanese spirits or demons associated with mischief and punishment
Ori Yoruba deity representing one's inner self and destiny
Pachamama Incan goddess of the Earth, fertility, and harvest
Pan Greek god of the wild, shepherds, flocks, and rustic music
Parvati Hindu goddess of love, devotion, and power; wife of Shiva
Pele Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes and fire
Peneus Greek river god, associated with the river Peneus in Thessaly
Persephone Greek goddess of the underworld and spring, daughter of Demeter
Phoebus Greek epithet for Apollo, associated with light and prophecy
Pomona Roman goddess of fruit trees, gardens, and orchards
Poseidon Greek god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
Prajapati Hindu god of creation and progeny
Ptah Egyptian god of craftsmen, creation, and architects
Prometheus Greek Titan who gave fire to humanity, symbol of defiance and intellect
Priapus Greek god of fertility, gardens, and male procreative power
Psyche Greek goddess of the soul, associated with love and transformation
Pulan Polynesian god of war and chaos
Quetzalcoatl Aztec god of wind, wisdom, creation, and learning; the Feathered Serpent
Qing Nü Chinese goddess of weaving and clouds
Qebui Egyptian god of the north wind
Qaletaqa Hopi spirit associated with guardianship and protection
Quangeio Celtic god of drinking and feasting
Quiritis Roman goddess of motherhood and protection, often linked with Juno
Quyllur Incan star goddess associated with celestial guidance
Ra Egyptian sun god and creator, ruler of the heavens
Rama Hindu prince and seventh avatar of Vishnu, symbolizing virtue and dharma
Rati Hindu goddess of love, passion, and desire
Rhea Greek Titaness, mother of the Olympian gods, associated with fertility and motherhood
Rudra Vedic god of storms, hunting, and wild nature; precursor to Shiva
Rod Slavic god of family, fertility, and creation
Rongomatane Polynesian god of agriculture, peace, and cultivated food
Ran Norse goddess of the sea and storms, known for capturing sailors
Rehua Maori god of healing and medicine
Rongo Polynesian god of peace, agriculture, and cultivated plants
Rigveda Personification of the Vedas in Hindu mythology, associated with knowledge and hymns
Raphael Archangel in Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions, associated with healing
Renenutet Egyptian goddess of harvest, fertility, and nourishment
Ratri Hindu goddess of the night, often associated with tranquility and rest
Sekhmet Egyptian goddess of war, healing, and the sun
Set (Seth) Egyptian god of chaos, storms, and desert
Saraswati Hindu goddess of wisdom, learning, music, and the arts
Shiva Hindu god of destruction, transformation, and regeneration; part of the Trimurti
Surya Hindu sun god and bringer of light and warmth
Skadi Norse goddess of winter, mountains, and hunting
Sif Norse goddess of fertility, family, and golden crops
Sekh Slavic god of agriculture and abundance
Selene Greek goddess of the moon
Sobek Egyptian god of the Nile, crocodiles, and military prowess
Susanoo Japanese god of storms, the sea, and chaos
Saturn Roman god of time, wealth, and agriculture
Shango Yoruba god of thunder, lightning, and justice
Soma Hindu god of the moon and the divine nectar of immortality
Silenus Greek god of wine, drunkenness, and companion of Dionysus
Spider Grandmother Hopi and Navajo goddess of creation, weaving, and wisdom
Sun Wukong Chinese monkey god and trickster, associated with strength and rebellion
Silvanus Roman god of forests, fields, and uncultivated land
Shenlong Chinese dragon god of rain, wind, and storms
Shezmu Egyptian god of wine, oil, and blood
Taweret Egyptian goddess of childbirth and fertility, protector of mothers and children
Tefnut Egyptian goddess of moisture, rain, and fertility
Thor Norse god of thunder, lightning, and strength
Thoth Egyptian god of writing, wisdom, and the moon
Tiamat Mesopotamian primordial goddess of the sea, chaos, and creation
Tu’er Shen Chinese god of homosexual love and relationships
Tezcatlipoca Aztec god of the night, sorcery, and chaos
Tanit Carthaginian goddess of fertility, motherhood, and the moon
Tuatha Dé Danann Celtic race of deities and supernatural beings, often associated with magic and wisdom
Tara Buddhist goddess of compassion, protection, and healing
Tapio Finnish god of forests, hunting, and wildlife
Tenjin Japanese kami of scholarship, learning, and literature
Tonatiuh Aztec sun god, associated with sacrifice and the fifth sun
Tyr Norse god of war, justice, and honor
Tlaloc Aztec god of rain, water, and fertility
Trickster Archetypal figure in various mythologies, often associated with cunning and mischief (e.g., Loki, Coyote)
Tapati Rapa Nui goddess of fertility and the arts
Taishakuten Buddhist counterpart of Indra, protector of the teachings of Buddhism
Tilottama Hindu celestial nymph known for her unparalleled beauty and grace
Terpsichore Greek Muse of dance and choral song
Ukko Finnish god of the sky, thunder, and weather
Ullr Norse god of hunting, archery, and winter
Uma Hindu goddess of beauty, motherhood, and devotion; another name for Parvati
Unkulunkulu Zulu creator god, considered the first man and ancestor of humanity
Uke Mochi Japanese Shinto goddess of food and nourishment
Urðr Norse Norn of fate, associated with the past
Uzume (Ame-no-Uzume) Japanese Shinto goddess of dawn, mirth, and revelry
Uttu Sumerian goddess of weaving and clothing
Ushas Vedic goddess of dawn and renewal
Ukemochi Japanese goddess of agriculture, food, and sustenance
Ungnyeo Korean bear goddess who became human and gave birth to the founder of Korea
Usil Etruscan sun god associated with vitality and warmth
Väinämöinen Finnish god-like hero and bard, associated with wisdom, music, and magic
Vajrapani Buddhist protector god symbolizing strength and power
Varuna Vedic god of cosmic order, the oceans, and the celestial waters
Vayu Hindu god of wind and air
Venus Roman goddess of love, beauty, and fertility
Vesta Roman goddess of the hearth, home, and family
Vidar Norse god of vengeance and silence, destined to survive Ragnarok
Vishnu Hindu preserver god, part of the Trimurti, associated with protection and balance
Volturnus Roman god of water and rivers
Veles Slavic god of cattle, commerce, and the underwor
Wadjet Egyptian cobra goddess of protection, kingship, and the Nile Delta
Wakan Tanka Lakota Native American great spirit and creator god
Wayland Anglo-Saxon god of smithing and craftsmanship
Weneg Egyptian god associated with protection and cosmic order
Wele African Luhya god of the heavens and rain
Wepwawet Egyptian wolf-headed god of war, death, and funerary rites
Woden Anglo-Saxon god of wisdom, poetry, and war; equivalent to Norse Odin
Wu Gang Chinese lunar deity associated with the endless task of chopping a self-healing tree
Wurrunnah Aboriginal Australian spirit associated with water and rivers
Wyrd Anglo-Saxon personification of fate and destiny
Wagyl Australian Aboriginal rainbow serpent, protector of waterways and land
Wanshi Tianjun Chinese Taoist deity of longevity and health
Wi Sioux solar deity, representing the sun and light
Wohpe Lakota goddess of peace, harmony, and meditation
Xbalanque Mayan hero god, twin of Hunahpu, associated with the Hero Twins myth
Xipe Totec Aztec god of agriculture, fertility, and renewal, known as the "Flayed One"
Xochiquetzal Aztec goddess of love, beauty, flowers, and fertility
Xochipilli Aztec god of art, music, dance, and pleasure
Xing Tian Chinese god of perseverance and resilience, depicted as a headless warrior
Xiuhtecuhtli Aztec god of fire, time, and the hearth
Xuanwu Chinese Taoist deity of the north, associated with water, protection, and martial prowess
Yahweh Abrahamic god, the monotheistic deity of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Yama Hindu and Buddhist god of death and the underworld
Yanluo Chinese god of death and ruler of the underworld
Yemaya Yoruba goddess of the sea, motherhood, and fertility
Yu Huang (Jade Emperor) Chinese supreme deity and ruler of the heavens in Taoist tradition
Yarilo Slavic god of fertility, spring, and renewal
Yhi Australian Aboriginal goddess of light and creation
Yggdrasil In Norse mythology, the World Tree connecting the nine realms
Yama-uba Japanese mountain hag spirit associated with wisdom and nature
Yaksha Hindu and Buddhist nature spirits, guardians of treasures and forests
Yuqiang Chinese god of the sea and wind, depicted as a bird-like deity
Zagreus Greek god associated with rebirth and Orphic mysteries, often linked with Dionysus
Zeus Greek king of the gods, ruler of the sky, and god of thunder and lightning
Zhong Kui Chinese god of exorcism, protector against evil spirits
Zirnitra Slavic dragon god of magic and protection
Ziwa Mandaeism guardian spirit associated with light and goodness
Zorya Slavic goddess of the dawn and guardian of cosmic order
Zhulong Chinese dragon god of light and cosmic balance
Zeme Baltic goddess of the earth, fertility, and agriculture
Zaltu Mesopotamian goddess of conflict and strife
Zirvan Persian primordial god of time, fate, and infinity
Zaqar Mesopotamian messenger god of dreams
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Last Updated: February 12, 2025