Python Interview questions - error handling & exceptions
(Python version 3.9 or later version)
Which of the following Python objects is immutable?
What would be the result of executing the following code?
True True
Syntax Error
Python Interview Questions
  • Python - Errors & Exceptions
    1. To handle an exception you proceed problematic code with the keyword?
    A) except
    B) while
    C) try

    Answer: try
    2. You proceed code that handles an error with the keyword?
    A) try
    B) except
    C) handle

    Answer: except
    3. Keyword you should proceed problematic code to handle an error?
    A) block
    B) try
    C) except

    Answer: try
    4. Keyword used to define code to execute if an exception isn't raised?
    A) else
    B) elif
    C) except

    Answer: else
    5. Keyword used to define code you want to execute whether an exception is triggered or not?
    A) finally
    B) else
    C) final

    Answer: finally
    6. Class to inherit from when creating custom exceptions?
    A) Except
    B) Exceptions
    C) Exception

    Answer: Exception
  • gk