Python Interview questions - variables
(Python version 3.9 or later version)
Which of the following Python objects is immutable?
What would be the result of executing the following code?
True True
Syntax Error
Python Interview Questions
  • Python - Expressions & Variables
    1. What is the result of the following code segment: 1/2
    A) 0.5
    B) 0
    C) - 0.5

    Answer: 0.5

    Explanation: a / corresponds to regular division
    2. What is the value of x after the following lines of code:
    A) 4
    B) 2
    C) 5

    Answer: 4

    Explanation: The value x=x+2 changes the value of x, if x is assigned to its self. It's helpful to replace the value of x with its current value in this case 2 or x=2+2.
    3. What is the result of the following operation 3+2*2?
    A) 3
    B) 7
    C) 9

    Answer: 7

    Explanation: Python follows the standard mathematical conventions
    4. In Python 3, what is the type of the variable x after the following: x=2/2
    A) float
    B) int
    C) error

    Answer: float

    Explanation: In Python 3, regular division always results in a float
    5. Data that is assigned a name is called what?
    A) Data type
    B) Variable
    C) Name

    Answer: Variable
    6. A variable name can start with what 2 characters?
    A) A letter or underscore
    B) A letter or number
    C) A upper or lowercase letter

    Answer: A letter or underscore
    7. Is the following valid Python code:

    i_am_string = "hello world"
    i_am_string = 73
    i_am_string = True

    A) Yes
    B) No

    Answer: Yes

    Explanation: Python is dynamically typed, meaning that variables can change type!
    8. True or False: Variables must be assigned before they can be used.
    A) True
    B) False

    Answer: True
    9. Variables can be: 
    A) assigned to other variables
    B) reassigned at any time
    C) assigned at the same time as other variables
    D) all of the above

    Answer: all of the above
    10. Is 24hrs a valid variable name?
    A) Yes
    B) No

    Answer: No

    Explanation: Variables can't start with a number in Python.
    11. Is my_1st_variable a valid variable name?
    A) Yes
    B) No

    Answer: Yes

    Explanation: Numbers can be used as long as they aren't at the beginning.
    12. Python programmers prefer to name most variables using...
    A) lower_snake_case
    B) UpperCamelCase
    D) lower-dash-case

    Answer: lower_snake_case
  • gk