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List of Collective Nouns for animals

list of collective nouns for animals

Collective noun for animals: herd
A group of animals is called a herd.
The collective noun for animals is herd.
Bunch, and group are the other collective nouns for animals.

Collective nouns for animals

Subject Collective Noun Usage Example
aardvarksarmouryAn armoury of aardvarks
alligatorscongregationA congregation of alligators
antelopesherdA herd of antelopes
antsarmyAn army of ants
apesshrewdnessA shrewdness of apes
armadillosrollA roll of armadillos
assesherdA herd of asses
baboonstroopA troop of baboons
badgersceteA cete of badgers
batscolonyA colony of bats
bearssleuthA sleuth of bears
beaverscolonyA colony of beavers
beesswarmA swarm of bees
bisongangA gang of bison
boarsherdA herd of boars
buffaloesherdA herd of buffaloes
bullocksdroveA drove of bullocks
camelsflockA flock of camels
caribouherdA herd of caribou
catsclowderA clowder of cats
cattleherdA herd of cattle
cheetahscoalitionA coalition of cheetahs
chimpanzeeswhoopA whoop of chimpanzees
coyotesbandA band of coyotes
crocodilesbaskA bask of crocodiles
deerherdA herd of deer
dogspackA pack of dogs
dolphinspodA pod of dolphins
donkeysherdA herd of donkeys
elephantsherdA herd of elephants
elkherdA herd of elk
foxesskulkA skulk of foxes
giraffesherdA herd of giraffes
gnusherdA herd of gnus
goatsherdA herd of goats
gorillasbandA band of gorillas
haresdownA down of hares
hedgehogsprickleA prickle of hedgehogs
hippopotamusesbloatA bloat of hippopotamuses
hogssounderA sounder of hogs
horsesherdA herd of horses
houndspackA pack of hounds
hyenasclanA clan of hyenas
iguanasmessA mess of iguanas
impalascoupleA couple of impalas
jaguarsprowlA prowl of jaguars
kangaroosmobA mob of kangaroos
kittenskindleA kindle of kittens
lambsfallA fall of lambs
leopardsleapA leap of leopards
micenestA nest of mice
monkeystroopA troop of monkeys
mooseherdA herd of moose
mulesbarrenA barren of mules
orangutansbuffooneryA buffoonery of orangutans
oxenherdA herd of oxen
ottersbevyA bevy of otters
pigsherdA herd of pigs
puppieslitterA litter of puppies
rabbitscolonyA colony of rabbits
raccoonsgazeA gaze of raccoons
racehorsesstringA string of racehorses
ramsbatteryA battery of rams
ratspackA pack of rats
rhinocerosescrashA crash of rhinoceroses
sheepherdA herd of sheep
slothsslumberA slumber of sloths
squirrelsscurryA scurry of squirrels
tigersstreakA streak of tigers
tortoisescreepA creep of tortoises
turtlesbaleA bale of turtles
wallabiesmobA mob of wallabies
walrusesherdA herd of walruses
warthogssounderA sounder of warthogs
weaselssneakA sneak of weasels
whalesschoolA school of whales
wolvespackA pack of wolves
yaksherdA herd of yaks
zebrasherdA herd of zebras
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